Iwan Thomas?

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Dolton748, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Am I missing some thing? Respected athelete I get, and also someone whom I asume wants to present a tv progame. I pay a substitute fee to watch btsport. Not to watch a substitute tv presenter.
    £13.50 for what can't get aired on itv4??!! Come on. Micheal Barrymore would be more entertaining.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. thankyou....I wondered who he was
  3. He is very enthusiastic but thats as far as it goes for me......a pain to watch
  4. He can ride as well. Had an R1 last I heard.
  5. That's a good enough reason to pay him thousands then. Think I'll apply too :)
  6. He is unspeakably bad. Physically awkward and self-conscious, uninformed re developments in the paddock, ignorant of the history of the sport, technically clueless, inarticulate, comically uncritical and fawning over riders. How he got past any screen test is utterly beyond me. BT, to their (grudging) credit, moved Melanie Sykes along when it was clear early on that she was a liability; it's inexplicable that Thomas has survived. Perhaps he's there to deflect audience criticism from Huewen...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Couldn't agree more cobbett!
    Surely someone must have a more positive comment other than he rides a bike.....I once rode the local bike, doesn't make me stud f#ck, although she did only have one leg, and Ewan has 2!! And famed for it!!
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