Wonder What They Stole - Hatton Garden Heist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Hey don't you drag me off topic
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Wipe Wipe x 1
  2. Horse shit,
    What ever was in those boxes was personal and not for public scrutiny and definitely not for your assuming mind to judge before any evidence has been put forward. Innocent until proven guilty pal, you of all people should know this. Your intelligence does not intimidate me mate, fire away.

    Thieves are scumbags regardless of what you own and how you required it, nothing gives anyone the right to remove your own property. Capiche!!!!!:Finger::Finger::Finger:
  3. I have to question why the police didn't respond to a building that could house untold fortunes when the alarm was triggered
    Of course it may not have
  4. Absolutely.

    I'd be willing to bet that not one item in those deposit boxes is something the owner could be arrested for once the contents become public knowledge. Perish the thought!
  5. If the proprietors of deposit boxes used them to hold legitimate valuable property which they were legally entitled to, they would have no difficulty in listing the contents to the police straight away.

    Of course neither I nor anybody else has the slightest idea what anybody has in their box - that's the whole point of them. But we can have our suspicions!

  6. Relax, he is just practising his Daily Mail headline writing skills.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Due to cut backs they weren't on double time...
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Thank you for your input, but turning thieves into Robin Fecking Hood characters will not wash with me. Chop the bastards hands off.

    I do apologise for my strong views but unless you have had something close and dear to you stolen then no amount of descriptive text will put you in the bitter position of the recipient of said theft.
  9. They must have been on treble time in Humberside today just to catch a fricken speeder.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. 2 days in a row they had camera vans out on a quiet dual carriageway on the way to Malton, 5pm and 7.45am - traffic density less than 1 car per 100 metres :Rage:
  11. I've been the recipient of four incidents of theft.

    His views are probably reasonably well placed, and looking at previous safety deposit box raids i somehow doubt that many insurance companies will be quaking in their boots in anticipation of multiple high value evidenced claims coming in.

    One can always be pleasantly surprised and live in hope that the users are all legitimate and above board, so it is not right to tar all the box holders with the same brush. I am sure some are legitimate and genuine - i would not bet a large amount on how many though or being in the majority. Some deffo.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I last got done on a bike at 17 years old on a z1000 - 110 in a 30 limit - 3 points :D
    Only had car ones from camera's since - one in a welsh village mid evening @ 38mph in a 30 in a bloody Renault overtaking a coach - no other traffic - that one annoyed me, another in the Exige, 58 in a 50 on a bloody Dual carriageway over snake pass - 50 limit that I missed as it was rural and I was pootling along, or so I thought. That one annoyed me too. But when I look back over the 34 years since the first I really shouldn't get annoyed :)
  13. I would say some newly liberated firearms will be fresh onto the streets soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Expect a few former MPs who will unexpectedly not be running for re-election next month ;)
  15. you conspiracy theorist you.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  16. I wouldn't be surprised, to hear, when the police trace the owners of the safety deposit boxes and ask them what was in them, they will be told "they were empty", which is true........
  17. I didn't even want to suggest the boxes might contain illegal firearms or explosives. But since you mention it ...
  18. So scumbag steals valuable jewellery and second scumbag takes it from him. Does first scumbag become a victim? Or second become Robin Hood? Or both stay scumbags except one has had a bit of natural justice ;)
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I have it on good authority from a Chum, Shergar was found in several of the boxes...
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. When I read the news article yesterday it said police had been able to contact all but 6 people out of the 72 boxes which had been opened.

    Im amazed there wasnt cctv in every room/every corridor and even inside the safe there running 24/7 as it was it looks like they had a free rein once down there. Mind you, spending 3 days breaking into the safe, I think they will be lucky not to have left loads of dna there.
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