Ipad 2 or Ipad 3 ????

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Been wanting an Ipad for a while, waited for the 3 expecting lots of upgrades from the 2.

    But, the differences are not as much as I had hoped.

    So, questions is, buy an Ipad 2 at a discount price, or, buy the Ipad 3 with the slight improvements.

    Main use will be emails, surfing etc

    Anyone had an Ipad 2 and 3? any comparisons
  2. Web pages and forums look ace on the new iPad. I think it's worth the extra £70 for web browsing. :)
  3. Was gonna say "slight" upgrades... Twice the res and Quad core....mmmm bit more than twice me thinks.. My iPad looks boat loads better than my girls iPad2 :)
  4. How can I possibly afford an iPad, I have to pay for the service on Monster soon, so no extra money for such purchases. I would say however if I was buying something like that I would get the most up to date model to make it as obsolete proof as possible.
  5. When you see them side by side its an easy choice... Mines on the CreditCard Katie....lol
  6. Not seen them side by side .... do know I love the clarity on my iphone 4 display.
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  7. Sod apple go for android
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  8. I had the same dilemma went for the 3

    Worth it
  9. No such thing with Apple I'm afraid, they'll be 'leaking' shots and specs for the iPad 4 within a month.

    I use a 4s phone, an iPad 1 and 2 and to be honest, the 4s phone is no better than the 4 in the real world (Siri being the 'big' add on which is a 10 minute gimmick).

    Again the same is true with the older iPads (camera on the iPad 2) but the faster processor is hardly noticeable in the real world.
    The iPad 3 screen does look slightly better, even with old eyes.
  10. I have an android tablet too, and really get on with it too....shame the app store isn't as 'modified' as the apple store is.
  11. Apple release one major new release every year, and there's only ever one Appple, so you are always just going to get whatever Apple choose to sell you. They'll tell you it's the latest and greatest, and they'll even tell you they invented it, but they are usually behind the curve due to lack of competition.

    Android on the other hand is open and there are several manufacturers out there vying for sales so the latest gear generally uses the latest tech.
    Take a look at this company's products if you just want to email and surf.
    Scroll Extreme 9.7" Tablet - Storage Options - Technology Without Compromise
    Thats a 10" for £189. I've just bought one of their 7" tablets for my wife, £125. Sure the screen isn't quite in the same league as an iPad, and it doesn't have an Apple logo on it to let everyone know just how cool and brand savvy you are, but you can have 3 of these for the price of one iPad.

    Anti Apple rant over.
  12. I've been anti apple for years but then I hate Microsoft too! Android apps are 95% sh#t as are most apple apps as they are written by Joe blogs with few updates and loaded with bugs. Whoever you choose you will do things there way so the old argument of apples way or no way is the same with whatever device you choose. I stay with the bigger names for software and firmware updates that you hope will keep your device bug free however they all suffer in one way or another, this ipad3 eats most android pads so far and I've seen and used most of them in the end I went for this even though I have had long term hate for jobs and his o.s. but then gates owes me a fair amount of time, money and hair from the last 30 years of his crappy o.s. so I'd rather put money into something else at this point in my life... Balls to it if you can't beat them join em.
  13. iPad ............4
  14. Except it has been found out that Apple is slightly lying about their new A5X Quad core CPU. It is a dual core CPU with Quad Core graphics only. Hence no difference in speed if you are not gaming.

    Screen quality wise for videos screen in ipad 3 is great but saying that it is still a small screen so I do not see a point of running a 1080p video on 10" screen as 720p will look the same (assuming movie quality is the same). Pixels are so small that many will not see a difference.
    In fact Iphone 4 display has maximum number of pixels that human eye can see at any one time (well apparently as per sciency people).

    For now I would fully agree Android with Ice Cream Sandwich on it. However I been using windows 8 for months now (beta). Crushes Android and Apple. It is still a full OS but for touch screens with app store and best off all apps that work on windows phone 7 will be compatible with Windows 8.
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  15. It's well know quad core graphics to power all those pixels, glad you said "most" will not notice as the iPad2 looks shite along side the 3. Movies in 720 look the same but who watches movies on a pad? Photos taken on my 40d look shockingly good on the 3 and it moves full res images with ease, doing the same on others it's painful, each to there own I only use the pad for arm chair web, some 3G Internet when out in the field and other simple tasks, if you run hardcore games you can also make toast so I've found out too....lol
  16. Arthur that is why if I were on my knees with AK47 at my head made to buy Ipad2 or Ipad3 (oh horror) I would go for Ipad2. I would not play most of those crappy games in app store, those that I would run fine on Ipad1. I would spend difference on good headphones for music.

    I never said I watch videos on such small screen, well unless I am travelling. My point is advantage of Ipad3 screen is also not a selling point as 720p videos will look just as good on both. DvD quality probably as well.

    I have a W500 slate running AMD Dual Core APU with ATI 6200 graphics. Runs windows 7 no problem but I run windows 8. I use it as slate most of the time but if I need a laptop like now it is one with word, excel, outlook you know home PC software. No limitations. Thx to graphics 1080p video can be shown on my HD TV while I still use internet.

    Watching The A-Team now
  17. However is I were to buy another tablet (thinking about it) it would be Android hands down. In fact am tempted by Samsung Galaxy Note to use as phone.
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