Ghost Posts

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by Ducbird, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. OK - how about now?
  2. Still there:

    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. @Loz How long has it been happening to you for?
  4. Mmmm, still there on old posts but not on new ones I think - Loz, do you concur?

    Can we have a smiley that means nob - or should we use the useful one still as in tool?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. @Exige @Loz Can you try clearing cache/history and see it it is persisting?
  6. oops - still happening as above...
  7. I have no idea how :D last time I ddi that I lost all my computers history, passwords etc - loz will try, he's clever :D
  8. Here's mine now
  9. I'm on iphone
    Think it's been doing it since live feeds
  10. It's been over the weekend that this has been happening
  11. I've seen this happen for the past, maybe, three days. Can't be entirely sure.

    I see it now on old threads but it isn't happening on this one, nor other new ones.

    And no, not even Elise will persuade me to clear my cookies/cache. Not even if he offers me a trial run on his new secondary leads for starter motor and solenoid.*

    *Not true - I'll clear my caches if he offers me some more secondary leads to trial.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. Good grief, it's happening on this thread now! :Banghead:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. Cleared cookies and history
    Logged back in and this is here

  14. Its still happening to me - this time on the iPad.

  15. I'm still getting the black flickering box on right hand side that I thought indicated live feed too
  16. Still happening @Rob as you can see from a minute ago

  17. It's been over the weekrnd

    It's still happening here hence
    The first line is from another post :Banghead:
  18. Yep, still happening on pc this morning.
  19. Ah, only seems to happen if you quote someone.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Me too noticed the quote ghost is still around, PC if this helps.
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