Helmet And Leather Cover

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by paulm2930, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Hi guys

    Having just had a recent lowside and having my leathers cut off me by the paramedic
    I need new leathers and helmet. I didn't opt for the cover with my current insurer which I will
    be doing in future. Most insurers cover up to £1000, which with prices these days and the cost of my kit just isn't enough. Does anyone know of an insurer that covers more than this limit?

  2. Is it possible to ask for more by paying a little extra premium, or are these things completely fixed?

    Don't forget, I live in the land of insurance where insurance seems to be a way of life.
  3. Hi,

    We offer different levels of cover, ranging from very, very basic (£500) then £750; £1000; £1500 and £2000.

    As observed, most of the market limit cover to around the £750 / £1,000 mark ... but with a bit of decent gear this doesn't go far ... hence we offer the premium levels too.
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  4. OK...that's me gone...I thought this was an S&M thread!
  5. It's been discussed before that home contents insurance also covers for this kind of thing. I wasn't sure so I asked my insurer (John Lewis) and they confirmed that they do in fact cover for this under the level of cover that I have, I think it's the Premium. Excess is £200, but I don't think there's an upper limit provided one piece of what you're claiming for isn't worth more than £3,000. If you're replacing helmet, gloves, leathers and boots then I'd guess you're the best part of £1,500-2,000 anyway so a £200 excess doesn't seem so bad. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I paid £40 for £1000 cover
  7. Use you house insurance for leathers, helmet gloves etc. Why pay an additional premium for items which are already covered by your home insurance.
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  8. As with everything in insurance, it depends on your policy!

    If your household insurance specifically covers items outside your home (commonly referred to as "All Risks Cover"), then you may be covered. However, even then you'll need to check the "Covered Perils" to ensure that there are no exclusions or limits to what and where cover extends.

    You'll also need to check the "Single Item Limit" specific to the extended cover. This is the maximum that will be paid out for any one item and may not adequately reflect the value of your lid or leathers. You can notify your insurer in advance and get an increased limit for "Specified Items" ... but you'll have to pay more!

    Finally, there's Policy Excess and No Claims Bonus to consider. The excess on a typical household policy (with "All Risks Cover"), is generally higher than that of a Helmet & Leathers policy and any claims will be noted and can adversely affect future premiums and your No Claims Bonus.

    Our Helmet and Leathers policy carries a £50 excess and will not affect future premiums if you claim against it.

    Bottom line, you might be covered under your home insurance policy; but for peace of mind it's worth checking in advance to avoid any "debates" in the event of a claim and/or nasty surprises at renewal.
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  9. Swinton will adjust your helmet/leathers cover. It cost me an extra £9 a year to take it from £1k to £2k £49 this year, though I won't be renewing with them as the overall price has gone up by an extra £100 over the policy duration for some reason, that's nearly 50% up on last year! That makes perfect sense in some world, extra years no claims (though was already on 7 anyway), IAM qualification and adding a tracker in the last 12 months - of course it should be dearer :Banghead:
  10. I would't mind paying a bit extra, my premium is around £300 with bennett, ducati insurance quoted circa £1100. so an extra £100 per year is a bargain.
  11. Ha, just had them on the phone for the annual "song and dance" about prices. Unsurprisingly they dropped the quote considerably over the automated renewal price - same cover, same underwriters.
  12. Ah yes,

    Forgive me; but I believe that's because you reduced the value of your bikes. Much as we'd like to we're not allowed to suggest or adjust values ourselves.

    It is not uncommon that a modest change can completely alter the way a particular Underwriter rates a bike ... both in terms of premium and excess.
  13. Are these policies available seperately or only with one of your bike policies?
  14. Sorry, we can only offer Helmet & Leathers cover as an additional extra to one of our bike policies. :-(
  15. Shame! My famous insurer, the one with a girl's name only do cover up to £1k. Dianese leathers, Arai helmet, oops no more to spend on gloves or boots! totaly inadequate if you go sliding down the road!
  16. Don't know who you mean ;-)

    As you say not much good with a decent set of leathers and a lid (let's not even mention D-Air jackets!).

    Sorry I couldn't help, let me know when you're up for renewal and I'll see what I can do.
  17. Sorry just renewed... it'll be next year now. Besides I have (had) a classic policy with the Ducati as a second bike on it. I say had because they have just "upgraded" it to a rider policy! Neither of whih give NCB, so going elsewhere is expensive!
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