Hi All tried a search and only found a thread by Niven about the 1199 On track So to my question for all you 899 Riders Whats sort of temp does your bike go upto in slow moving traffic ie commuting, etc I ask as this morning mine peaked at 106C and I have yet to have that happen before even when moving say around 60MPH it was sitting at 99-102 Thoughts? S
Yeah happens .. Only if it flags HIGH TEMP you have a problem . Just make sure you check cooling fluid level
Ok good .. Don't worry too much. As the system will flag an error of there is a problem .. Just keep an eye on the coolant and oil levels ..
Totally depends on the ambient temp for me. Sometimes when I leave in the morning on a dual carriageway it won't go beyond 65, then maybe high 80s with some sitting around. When it's a bit warmer outside its closer to your 80-95...
Mine normally behaves pretty much as described by Dan. However, traffic plus an ambient of circa 15C quickly takes the bike over the Ton mark resulting in a roasted crotch.