1200 Error Engine ??

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by B1k3rBum, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Hi folks hopefully you can help me out once again.

    Starting up the muttley (2013 ABS) it went through the usual self test then through up an "error engine" report and the engine management light lit up. It starts up and picks up the revs but I haven't ridden it yet to see if there are any issues.

    It's a bit of a general report so leaves me clueless where to start looking:

    1) Is there some magic ninja finger combo to get access to the actual error codes associated with the engine management system?

    2) Is there a way to clear it to see if it goes away or is a hard glitch?

    3) Anyone had the same problem - I did a few searches and browsed the first 12 pages but couldn't find anything :-(

    Ta for your help B
  2. If it's running rough it could be a map sensor on one of the intake manifolds. I had one replaced a few weeks ago on a 2013 model.
  3. I was a bit freaked out by the management light so reluctant to try riding until I'd gotten some feedback. It appears to be running ok (it's never been smooth it's a twin) :)
  4. That dreaded question how much to get it sorted or under warranty?
  5. still have this issue :-( I have ordered a air temperature sensor and will be fitting it next week i'll give an update once it's fitted.

    Will the error message self cancel once the fault disappears (assuming the sensor fixes it) or will I need the dealer's software to clear the message?
  6. Final update, Changed the Air temperature sensor and no change, although the dealer did confirm this is the usual problem.
    Off to dealer for a diagnostic check and it turned out to be the map sensor on the horizontal inlet manifold. Not sure how much they cost because it got sorted under warranty.
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