Nice Timing...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Masklin, May 16, 2015.

  1. The weather is nice, the Full Throttle has arrived, the HYM SP is also there for the taking and... I've just got shingles on my face.

    Feck it hurts and is bloody sensitive to the touch. A bit concerned now as to when I'll be able to wear a helmet again with any degree of comfort. I'd read that shingles could be painful, now I believe it as well.
  2. You ride a Ducati and you're uncomfortable you say.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  3. Try to avoid the anti viral drugs. I had it on my head in'93, they gave me the drugs to stop it getting in my optic nerve (shingles follows nerve paths, that's why it's so painful). Thankfully it stopped it getting in my eye but man did I suffer afterwards with post viral syndrome, me, yuppie flu or whatever you want to call it. Sometimes you don't have the choice about the drugs like me, but if you do, think about it. Hope you recover ok.

  4. Aint shingles something to do with a roof?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. OGR, my GP put me straight on to an anti viral as it's very close to my right eye. Thus far okay in that respect though fortunately. It seems to be calming down a bit now so with any luck a lid will be bearable over the Bank Holiday weekend.

    There's discomfort and then there's discomfort.
  6. if you piss on it that will help, or get a group of people to help :upyeah:

    don't do it lol......hope you make a speedy recovery I hear its really really not a pleasant experience.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Get well soon, not nice, had it a few years ago :(
    • Like Like x 1
  8. GWS :)
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