Hi there guys anybody heard of any issues with 916sps misfiring, it was every now and then last year, but seems to be getting worse, it's not fuel issue, it's had new plugs, swapped the coils over ht leads, but it's still doing it, I was going to try the ignition amplifier but can't find one or 2 even anywhere, any ideas would be helpful
From the P8 setups that I have seen they are on the outside of the ECU. But only having worked on one of these it may not have been non standard as it was a trick bike that had some work done to it.
Yep that's them 1 on each side of the large ecu under the seat, I'm trying to find a couple of these bad boyz to see if this will rectify my problem with a misfire now and then, I will replace the ignition relay tomoro, c wat this does Cheers
Got the amp all done, Now selling my 916sps need a newer bike, she is gorgeous but not practical for me, she has loads of bits, came out of a 6 year storage last year and loads of work was done on her, only selling due to a 1098 tricolore coming my way, garage offered me £9250 for my bike so that is what I want, she's going in 2 weeks
As a 916sps owner that offer price from garage is great to hear.Guess they really are going up in price although mine has a few miles on it from regular use so wouldn't get the top end of price range. Good luck with the sale as they are cracking bikes.If its not practical you sure you want a 1098.Similar rider position unlike the 999 or pany and only a extra 1500 miles between servicing .