3/4" drive socket works. I had nightmares getting the rear wheel off the fuglystrada, tyre centre tried, dealer tried, then another tyre centre. The last bloke said to me he'd lend me a big breaker bar and 3/4" socket but he wouldn't do it himself in case he damaged something. Ten seconds later the nut was off.
This is what happened on the first attempt at me getting a stubborn wheel nut off the corsa Then I used one of these bad boys on the 3/4 breaker bar
ratchets should never be used for very high torque tightening or loosening. I used a 3/4 breaker bar with a 1m long tube. I have machined down the 55 bi-hex socket so the distance between the bar and the nut is less allowing more effort to be applied.
It's much easier if you pour a few kettles of boiling water over the nut first, then use a set of 30" stilsons and a piece of tube/pipe slid over handle, grip the soket as close to the nut as you can and get some one to sit on the bike in first gear with the back brake pressed, then push down like fook on the tube/pipe,
Ducati deal finally got it done. Total broken tools...5... it finally budged with heat and an Air impact gun. They said that it's the alloy washer that's usually the culprit. It seizes to the whhel and nut and keeps the nut from turning. Everything has been slathered with copper anti seize . The Pilot Road 4 GTs I finally installed are such an improvement over the Scorpion trails