Having searched here and not really found the info i am looking for so here goes. We went to france last weekend with the Panniers on and I have come to the conclusion that while they look pretty. they are useless unless you don't want to take anything with you as they are an odd shape that means that if you want to put your gear in a bag then you have lots of wasted space and have to force them closed - rant over, apologies. I was looking at a pair of Givi Trakker panniers on a yamaha and thought that they would be better, I have done my research on the racks and decided they are for me, but (and there's always a but) I am wondering how a pillion would find them, does the top front corner make it difficult to get on and off? Has anyone got any real life experience that they can share on these from a pillion point of view as well as any general comments.
Have you tried the full sized panniers (well lids, to be more precise) from Ducati....as opposed to the pretty ones.....they are huge!
I've never had an issue with capacity. I line the panniers with black plastic bin bags, roll my clothes and pack them in and can easily accommodate all my stuff, some tools, gaffer tape and 100 pouches of baccy on the way home.
The givi trakker outback 58L topbox is what i plan to get with my DVT12 & also the panniers at 37L. The larger side panniers are not needed imho been a solo-rider. GIVI Trekker Outback 58 lt Top Case Monokey - OBK58A - What you can do with metal squarely shaped boxes is use them as seats/cook prep area & general off the ground spread out your days gubbin's type lark.
Cant say I never really found the MTS panniers too small, i just put all in a plastic bag and squeeze it all in, never leaked either, that said I only generally go away for like 10 days max.
I have a set of £40 pannier bags. Fit perfectly and ensure I use all available space. I simply take the bag out and leave the panniers on.
I have the Trax panniers with evo fittings, they offer much more capacity, 48ltrs either side not to mention top loading. I have done a couple of European camping trips with them now, about 4500 miles, heavily laden and they have been superb other than a little bit of water ingress in torrential rain although I use the liners which came with them so no problem. I think they have a new range of panniers coming out so the old model like mine is a bit cheaper at the moment. SW Motech Motorcycle Luggage
Well I got every thing I needed in mine including a laptop and enough clothes shoes and food for me and the wife to do a 16 day tour of Europe. notice the front up in the air even with a full tank of fuel. There huge!
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm not keen on the larger lids as they make the bike wider than a london bus so they are out Thats what I have done on the exhaust side where my clothes go but still find that if I want to decamp into a hotel room its a faff getting multiple waterproof bags into a room I have a set of Ducati pannier bags and to be honest the left one is ok but the exhaust side one has a gap at the top behind the bag above the exhaust Yes but you have the touring panniers by the look of it and they are just too wide for me
Thats what I am thinking, although I think the top box might be too big for me, I was going to look at the 46ltr for a top box. I might take a look at these also, do you have any pillion experience as I think the footpads look close to the box and it could be awkward getting on and off.
Fuck sake bud how can they be to big but not big enough? Sounds to me more like your after panniers made by the same people that made Doctor Who's Tardis.
Sorry Daffy, No pillion for me, couldn't say if it would be an issue, I would check but the fitting kit has been removed for forthcoming trade in.
I'm not looking for conflict just asking if anyone has experience as a passenger with an oblong pannier. The point i made was there was wasted space with the ducati panniers due to the odd shape, I don't want to pack in plastic bags & I don't want a rear wider than a bus, if that suits you then thats fine cos we are all different, FWIW in my opinion the touring panniers look awful but thats me.
Givi rack from Italy 78 quid p&p was a tenner massive saving on uk which is about £119 kappa 46 litre topbox cheaper than Givi 80 quid sorted