1200 DVT Little Jaunt To Scotland

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by fatfingers73, May 29, 2015.

  1. Just got back from a little 1k jaunt to Scotland and the Lake District (from Essex).

    A few pics from Hardknott pass.

    Bike was perfect :)

    2015-05-27 11.45.41.jpg

    2015-05-27 11.46.46.jpg

    2015-05-27 11.47.27.jpg

    2015-05-27 11.47.40.jpg

    2015-05-27 14.19.45.jpg

    2015-05-27 14.20.22.jpg

    2015-05-27 14.20.56.jpg
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  2. Very good, looks like you only had overcast weather. Which brings out the detail in photo's.
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  3. We was pretty lucky with the weather. We cut it short as today's forecast was rain, glad we did now!

  4. I'm betting the others couldn't keep up?
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  5. It's a bundle of laughs on a sports bike I can tell you :D
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  6. Done the Hardknott on the MTS, feels like you could topple over on some of those hairpins fully loaded? Also went in her A3 once and I managed to rip the left cill off on a rock!

    I'm off to Benidorm Tues for a 2 night stag do (I know, I know), then back via West coast of France, but forecast for Tues is wet & windy. I hate it when the first day is like that - any of the others so what, but the bloody first, just going to the boat! Those Continentals think we never wash our bikes!
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  7. Wow that's eyrie. What a small world. 20140622_121613913_iOS.jpg 20140622_121650156_iOS.jpg
    I also have pictures at the same spot. My bike was awesome too ;-)
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  8. Nice Pics Fat fingesrs .... it was Hardkott Pass I saw my first ever 1200 Multistrada and instantly knew I had to get one :)
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  9. Looks great. How did you fit your Kriega tailpack? Can't quite see from the pics. Hopefully my DVT is arriving in the next few weeks and I've gone for the soft luggage option too.
  10. The bottom US20 have the old fashion straps that just go under the seat. The top US20 have the newer metal hooks which clip to the bottom bag.

    I couldn't see any way of fitting the newer style directly, without cutting slots to get to the subframe, which I didn't want to do.

    I will be getting either ventura or givi luggage, when the racks are made for the DVT.

  11. Nice photo's but I think you will find those first few were taken on Honister Pass and not Hardknott ;).

    All great roads though. You need a clear run on the western side of Hardknott because stopping in some of the bends could mean the ground is a long way below your feet on the downslope side of the bike.

    Where did you go in Scotland ?
  12. Ok cheers. Only got as far as Ayr, we had a cabin on Loch Ness but there was too much rain in that area.

  13. I've got a new type US30 tailpack, which fits nicely on the sub frame of my Tiger 1050, I'd like to do the same with the new Multi, but will have a go at using the grab rails. Might consider the chop option when mine arrives although I'm not all that keen on taking a hacksaw to my new bike!
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