Has anyone fitted a ScottOiler to their 899? (I've seen there's another thread along these lines from last year, just wondering if any crazy people have done this since.) Cheers, Liam
Oh no! Really? I must be bonkers then! I've had them on all my previous bikes. Have you had a bad experience you want to talk about?
If it's any help, I have Scottoilers fitted to my 750Sie and 999s. Happy with my decision. No one ever speaks to me though ... I'd be better off a leper.
I have had a bad experience with an £200 (at the time) e-scottoiler but it had a lovely blue display & mesmerizing effect on me. Until it continually misbehaved & I've sequestered it into a box somewhere deep in my ex-biking kit section at home.
Used them on my commuters but never on nice bike; messy and more effort than they're worth in my opinion. Plus they're ugly.
It always seems bizarre to me that anyone uses these. It only takes ten seconds max to stick a bit of lube on the chain?
Whatever your previous experience my friend, you should reconsider using a wet-oil lubricant on your bike. I, too, tried various wet lubes on my 1199, but the fling mess goes everywhere, including your kit. I would recommend a dry lube, like WURTH make. A quick squirt on the bit of chain exposed after each run and it works it's way around. No fling, no excessive wear, no dirt, no problem. Your chain, like your bike, is the best bmoney can buy. Internal lubrication is sealed for life. The contact points between chain and sprocket are thus taken care of by static dry lubrication.