Oh dear!!! Recently bought an ST4 and on the first run after I've done the following: changed oil oil filter coolant cam belts and checked valve clearances the bike is difficult to start and runs like the proverbial sack of spanners. (When I test rode the bike prior to purchase it was sweet, so it's something I've done or has happened whilst the bike has been stood for 6 weeks) Symptoms are simlar to a really badly balanced throttle valves. It gives me the impression that one cylinder is ok with the other mising until about 5k rpm when it just runs rough. I'm going to take the fairing and air box off and make sure I've not forgotten to tighten up anything on the inlet side of things, sort of feels like an inlet leak.... or a fouled plug but I've just down 20 miles up and doiwn the A6 with the thing barey running beneath 5000rpm!! so I should have thought that it might have cleaned up a bit but Nope, still sick as very sick motorcycle. Not a great start for my ductai owenership experience... almost certainly my own stupid fault though. I'm of to buy some plugs (cus the ones from ebay were wrong and haven't truned up yet, so put old owns back in), two new inlet manifold gaskets (if available) and some injector cleaner... When I took the throttle bodies off I left everything completely alone and fitted them back "un messed" with so I doubt its a "real" out of adjustment problem. Are there any bypass airways that might have got blocked? any connector that if forgotten about causes these symptoms? Any ideas, advice gratefully received!!
Which way round do the fuel lines connect at the fuel tank? My wsm has one graphic showing feed to the vertical injector and return from the horizontal injector, whilst elsewhere it has more detailed graphics showing the opposite . I originally connected it up feed to the horizontal, as above, but now I'm wondering whether that was correct. (I'd test this theory out but I'm now waiting for a fuel filter and tank O Ring...) Does it make the slightest difference anyway, since the fuel loop is maintained at a controlled pressure by the pressure regulator, the only variable is the direction of fuel flow through the pair of injector "manifolds". These seems to be connected up as a mirror image, so as far as the injector manifolds are concerned fuel flows in through port A and Out of port B on one injector and then the opposite happens for the other injector... so on the face of it It shouldn't really matter which way round you connect the fuel lines to the tank... But it probably does and I've probably git it wrong. Be nice to know for sure though??
I would get the TPS settings looked at,simple and quick to do if you can get the right kit. Or a 5 minute job at the dealers,
Is that a case of measuring the resistance between the correct two tabs on the TPS connector at various throttle angles or is there more to checking a TPS? BTW problem is not air leak on inlet, it is a rich misfire, both plugs are sootier that a black cat on a dark night...
Sorry I don't know the answer,but I had an SS that ran as rough as a dog after heavy rain,TPS settings had gone to shit,along with a rusting connector,might be worth looking and cleaning those connectors ? It's free!