plenty of time to change her mind then,:smile: bollox piss sick of owning two bikes that wont freeking start the minute the good weather comes. surly to f i can leave them a month and be able to press the button to happiness without any f,ing rigmarole.
yip. time for optomates and bother my lazy ass to wire in some sort of connecter. jeez what a ball ache .
Specific connector supplied with the Optimate. You just attach ring connectors to the battery terminals and you're done. When undoing the bolts on the battery, don't forget to use the tubing that Elise recommends so you don't lose your nuts when reconnecting it all up.
@Exige if theirs a set for the ugly one let me buy some. need to reroute as the main engine earth allan head is screwed. loz/cream cool with nuts it;s my head i am trying not to lose. bollox somthing so fu.k simple just no f.cking time. Argh fucking f.uck, this fugly will be the fing death of me. Oh makes me mad .
Been speaking to my neighbour to see how his son got on today at Court as he was a witness to a fatal motorbike accident three weeks ago, was on a dual-carriage way when a bike filtering up the middle clipped/hit the car in front of him which made the bike go up in flames and the rider got hit by a car on the left, speed seems to be a factor, Not good for all concerned at this sad time, Be careful when filtering.
And relax..............FFS gummy it's a couple of cables & the whole motors an earth, ya don't need no snake oil
i know, but i have a dilemma. i am both v.busy and v.lazy. these things take time. :Cigar:. where to get an optimate?