Hi guys. 150 miles in and seem to have picked up an oil leak. Posted pics, I'll obviously be talking to the dealer in the morning, but anyone else had this? (Sorry, forgot to say it's at the base of the timing belt cover - assume it's the timing belt cover!).
Spoke to dealer.....suggested I call Ducati recovery to get it in to them. Great. When I discussed it with them, they said it sounded "odd" but "it is a new model"! AA coming this evening to put it on a lorry. Not great after 150 miles.
Looks like it is something not fitted properly - what's with the big gap between the black and the silver bits of engine casing??? Surely that should be pretty much flush
So....leave work early last night for agreed pick up slot of 18:00-19:00. AA transit arrives, at which point he asks what I need! Recovering to the dealer as agreed I say. I can't do that in a transit I'll need to call a low loader, could be 2 hours then could be held in storage for 48 hours.... I ask if any other options as that's just ridiculous. He says he can arrange pick up in the morning and they'll take it direct to the dealer. Ok I say. This morning, AA low loader arrives on time and heads off to Ducati Aylesbury. I call them at 09:30 and confirm it has arrived. Nothing from them all day today, so I call. Service Dept say they've not looked at it today, but will try to tomorrow!!! Is it me, or is this just not good enough service for a £13k premium marque bike with 150 miles on it, purchased from a top rated dealer (especially when you factor in the warranty claim on day 2 as I take the pannier off only to find one of the lugs broken!)?
Not good enough on all counts (and the pannier design issue is really piss poor). When are they going to loan you a bike while they 'get around' to it? I'd be on there backs demanding a loan bike at least (and are they really going to charge you for that first service after everything etc etc?). Hope it all gets sorted as soon as possible.
Yes it is you. Workshops at this time of year are fully booked and working flat out. From experience, warranty work takes time to approve and there is no profit in it so a paying customer who has booked his bike in probably weeks before is IMO going to be given priority. No dealer, whether 2 or 4 wheels, will drop anything unless you contribute a significant proportion of their turn over, simple economic fact. I am sure Aylesbury will expediate any repair needed as soon as they can and whilst every fibre in your body is screaming repair my f**ing bike, patience is required. Throwing your teddy out won't achieve anything. Andy
Cheers for the replies fellas. I'm still focusing on being patient and giving them a chance to sort it, but I'd argue the point that I've already contributed £13k to their revenue figures, so expect some basic levels of customer service like an update during the day, even if it's just to let me know they've not had a chance to look at it yet. Let's see what tomorrow brings....
I was at Ducati Aylesbury today for my first service. I also had a new front disc fitted, they had 3 in for service and a new front stantion to replace on a monster. To be fair to them they didn't stop at all whilst I was there (till 2pm). I'll agree a call when it arrived and then explain about work load would have been helpful. Must be hard to try and keep everyone busy in the workshop (they are a business and there to make money) but also keep open slots for issues like this to keep their customers happy and returning for repeat business. My heart does go out to you.
In fact I heard one call where a guy asked for a Saturday slot. Yes sir, no problem. That'll be the end of July!
It's such a low quality of people skills from the dealer . Didn't they have a min to look it over at least to see where it's leaking and write a report and sending it to ducati. It's ok when they are selling it but where is the after care? How dare to say to a customer just spend over £13000 we couldn't bother to look your fucking leaking bike ! We don't have money trees at home ! We earn it hard , we give these bikes our time and investment, I don't think that's a good answer from a dealer. Do you actually know that you have got rights after buying goods? Argh I am glad the dealer I am dealing isn't that bad. Good to know who is what . Sorry about your bike. Hope they will sort it soon.
What I find more remarkable from many stories of repairs here ...Is that some have their bikes weeks / months in for repair yet they are never credited warranty extension for all the time the bike has been unavailable to them.
Good point. Whether you are running a motor repair workshop, an operating theatre in a hospital, or a courtroom trying cases, you face a similar basic problem. Your installation, whatever it is, has major fixed costs which you have to try and cover by packing the diary with as much work as can be scheduled in. And yet you also receive unexpected urgent items of work from time to time which you are expected to deal with quickly, or immediately. If you leave open slots as a contingency, you get criticised for inefficiency; but if you can't deal with urgent items rapidly, you get criticised for ineffectiveness. Managing complex processes is a tough old world, isn't it?
Well @Pembroke Boy I know how you feel, it was only a few weeks ago I decided to have a rant on here about my dealer. They were great for the first few weeks then I got t he feeling they knew I'd never by another bike from them so haven't rushed to do anything to help me with warranty claims, they even suggested I take my bike somewhere else if I wasn't happy. A case of we got your money now FUCK OFF and stop pestering us now your skint!
Well....a better day today with some good contact from the service manager (who was away yesterday, so could explain the lack of contact), so I may have been too hasty and owe an apology! Oil leak from the base of the timing belt assembly cover found, but more investigation needed, as it's all new there's no historical knowledge they can call on to say "ah yes, we've seen this before because it's a failed ......". Hopefully she's back with me soon.
Takes 60 seconds to make a call to say "sorry, no new news, will get back with an update ASAP.". No excuse for it, really irritates me.
Good stuff from the guys at Ayelsbury today. A couple of phone calls, one to say an oil leak has been found and they're on it, but need guidance from Ducati. Then a second call to offer me a loan bike whilst they sort mine. Can't ask for more than that, they've well and truly redeemed themselves. Not great that there's an issue in the first place, but hey, these things happen, and they're now doing all they can.