So I've searched on here but only found on old thread and a how to on AndyW's site but was wondering how many people have done this and whether you went with 5000k or 6000k bulbs? I don't want a chavvy blue light, just more light and something closer to the white light the >13 LED headlight bikes have
Hi I have done the conversion (low beam only) and I have actually used 4300K bulbs. I really don't see the need for an even whiter bulb. 4300K ones are as white as my led lights. And they are brighter than 5000. They work great
I've converted my dip to HID. Don't spend a fortune on your HID kit. You see them advertised for £70+ or Canbus compliant etc. Load of bo****ks! I bought mine off Fleabay from China for the princely sum of £17.50 a couple of years ago. Works perfectly.
Thanks both, what temperature did you go for majvs? Sounds like 6000k may be too blue so I may go for 5000k. I'd gone straight to Les at HID50 but the whole (plug and play) is >£140
Don't spend a fortune on HID kits. As Majvs said, you can get great kits from China for 1/4 of the price you just quoted. I have installed HID kits on two cars (both beams), and two bikes. I never paid more than 50 euros for a pair. In the last 8 years that I have been using HID kits on my vehicles I NEVER needed to replace a bulb. Nor did I see a visible decline in brightness. I only had to replace ballasts (two of them but only the oldest technology ones that I had originally installed on my car). Unless you are 110% sure that your vehicle needs a Canbus enabled unit to work, don't spend more than 25 euros for a unit. It's a total waste of money. And the MTS does NOT need a Canbus enabled unit. You can find excellent slim and quick kits for very little money nowadays.
Nope. Plain bulbs. I get no complaints from other drivers. Only when I ride 2-up with bags and I haven't dipped the beam (No S model ). But this is not the bulbs' fault.
Canbus ballasts aren't necessary and I'd advise a colour temperature of 4300ºK. Your eyes are more sensitive to yellow light than blue. Although 6K and 5K are good for being seen you will see better with 4.3K and it will be nearer to the colour of the halogen main beams.
Ok thanks all. Could you point me to the supplier you've used before or shall I just scout around on eBay? 40% of the reason for upgrading is better light output, 60% is because I want a whiter light and to avoid the temptation of getting an LED model bike!
I did LED's from they are wicked, and the beam pattern is perfect... Literally a 10 minute install, and easy to tuck the drivers behind the fairing.