1200 DVT Woooohooo!!!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by tobers, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. As per the thread title.

    I took my bike for it's first proper ride since 1st service today, and whizzed all around Surrey, Hampshire & Sussex.

    OMG it is absolutely, totally superb. What a machine. Massively fast, weaponised overtaking, and excellent handling. Absolutely brilliant. There's this raw eagerness from the engine at just the right revs for 3rd around twisties and 4th on more open curves that makes the bike a real joy to ride - it just wants to go - so addictive. And it's good at dawdling through town as well or just taking it relaxed and easy.

    I triggered the ABS for the first time in anger as well when confronted with a van on my side of the road. All very effective and fuss-free. I was in a straight line though, not cornering so no idea how that works yet.

    I spent all day with DWC off, DTC 2 and ABS 2.

    Also, got the little Ducati tankbag today, which is very cute and big enough for a camera, sunglasses, visor cleaning stuff, torch and various bits and bobs. I got the power cable for it which has a nice 3-way USB hub on the inside to keep my phone & camera charged, but was pricy at £80!!. The cable has a removable connector on which fits through the front of the bag. The phone goes in the clear pocket on top so I can run satnav from it, linked to the Scala G9X I've got on the side of my helmet to get instructions over bluetooth. The phone screen remains touch sensitive through the plastic which is cool.
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  2. Oh, I didn't know you could get the tank bag separately from the Urban pack, does it remove easily for fuelling, and how much is the list price?
    I just had first service today too, so had a bit of more spirited ride home. :)
    from 6k on, it's a rocketship, well to me anyway!
  3. You can get all parts in the packs separate
  4. Givi now have a range of tank bags for the DVT on their website
  5. Yep, the Ducati one is a Givi with a Ducati badge.
  6. Ebay, £78.
  7. The iPhone's overheating the clear pocket if in the sun and stop working on a hot day,over 27c say.
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