Oil filter leaks

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Hughdg, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Yet again my oil filter has started leaking. For some reason every time I change the oil filter on any of my bikes they leak and steadily drip oil, after two or three goes I can usually get them to seal but sometimes it has taken much longer to sort out. I always smear oil or a very small amount of grease on the face of the rubber seal and spin up the filter by hand till it touches then tighten by 1/8 to 1/4 turn and it always leaks. Ive tried tightening a bit further, more lube on the seal, no lube at all, taking the seal off the filter and lubing it all round so that the body of the filter can't grip on it and distort it as it tightens but it always leaks. It isn't on just one bike, I have the same problem on three! Over the years I've changed literally hundreds of this type of filter having spent several years working in the motor trade and never experienced any problems ever until the last couple of years with my bikes. So what's the trick to making it seal? Off to Ireland on the 748 next week and would love to have a leak free bike to go on. Any ideas gratefully received.
  2. I feel for you, I fit mine just as you do and never had a problem, its a mystery.
  3. Lay on your back and with the filter out, have a look at the engine mating face.....I found reamins of an old seal stuck to mine.....jusr a thin layer but it's what caused my first leak........

    ......the second one was when I fitted it while it was quite a hot day......it started to leak when the outside temperature dropped and the filter had come slightly loose....

    ....but I now fit the K&N filter and lock wire it proper......

  4. Have you left the old rubber seal off an oil filter stuck to the engine? :wink:
  5. 470four, no def. not done that, not on three different bikes.

    Arquebus, I'm sure there's no foreign matter on the mating face but it's coming off for another go tomorrow so I'll check anyway - nothing to lose :upyeah:
  6. I don't use much oil or grease on the seals.....in fact just enough to make it slightly shiny.......but I do them up hand tight first then give it a bit more with a wrench....the advantage of the K&N ones is the nut on the bottom.......K&N actually tell you in the instructions exactly how much to tighten them as well.

    PS....Are you sure it is the seal and not the actuall filter.....I have had an OEM filter leak as well as the seal issue.....Also, (and I don't know how your engine is up the inside of the filter 'hole' but if it is like the SS engine, is the filter threaded boss loose?

  7. I always tighten them as far as possible by hand? No leaks ever? Try tweaking them on a bit more!
  8. Can't believe it's the filter itself, don't forget I'm talking about half a dozen filters on different bikes over the last couple of years which is what's really starting to pee me off. I'll check the threaded boss as well tomorrow, I'm guessing that it's steel so it could certainly come loose as the cases get hot and expand.
  9. The K&N instructions say 'by hand' then another so much of a turn....can't recall if it is 1/4; 1/2; or 3/4....

  10. Specsavers or Parkinsons? (not the Ducati dealer)......

  11. Whatever you are doing its consistent! :)

    Has the filter been hit/grounded at some point, bent the mounting threads about?
  12. Lets reverse a bit -

    Are you SURE you are using the right filter???

    Has the threaded filter fitting undone, meaning once tight the filter is still not seated fully?

    Are you sure the filter is leaking oil and not the oil cooler hose/engine joints?
  13. Filters all bought from main dealer with Ducati plastered all over them and 748 916 9989 all use same filter. Never knocked the filter on any of them and I've sat and watched the oil appear on the base of the filter many times while the bikes have been running on the stand. Favourite at the moment has to be the threaded boss which I'll be checking in the morning. Many thanks for the ideas.
  14. Admittedly my eysight is not great as I get older but it's not that bad :cool:
  15. Mine did exactly that....in fact, the one I fitted on a hot day, was alright for the rest of the year until the real cold weather came along......started up the bike while on the paddock stands and it literally p*ssed out.........the filter had come loose......hot (tight) cold (loose)......

    ....would it stop after being re-tightened....would it F.

    That's when I switched to the K&N.......I can't stand the sight of jubilee clip wrapped round the filter....looks so bodgy.

  16. +1 on the K&N's... easily on-and-offable. :upyeah:
  17. Well, had the filters off both the 748 and 998 and tightened the threaded spigot as suggested, cleaned up the sealing faces and the seals themselves and put them back in. I've tightened them both a bit more than previously and so far all looks ok, I've done 30 or so miles on the 748 which is my main concern as I'm going away on it next Weds. and all looks good, the 998 has been run up on the stand for 10min and seems ok so I'm just off out to try it properly. Thanks for the ideas and experiences and fingers crossed all will be well:upyeah:
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  18. I always torque mine useing a fiter cup and a torque wrench to around about 11nm it doesnt sound much but it's amazing how far past hand tight the filter goes to get to the specified torque.
  19. Interesting, my sons 696 monster has just developed a leak from the filter region! This is a 6 month old bike!
  20. Just been looking at filter cups (sockets?) and could definately be an option, have to see about one when I get back.
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