NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED a pair of end cans for my 796 monster, wish list would be termi's or Arrow, i will even sacrifice shoe / handbag shopping to get them lol.
Even more serious than that i can assure you!! Could not sleep for thinking of em last night so decided to order today...carbon ones ...BUT not in stock at B&C Express.......began ringing anyone and everyone without success........2 weeks wait gutted! Then rang a couple of Ducati dealerships enquiring on termis....very naughty:wink: As you have now discovered patience not one of my strong points,along with not being too proud to be quite openly desperate!!) TBH really like the carbon arrows which i convinced myself were within reach and could be fitted before i go on hols on tuesday (Cornwall with my bike oh and him in doors!) and termis are just so expensive (I know they are probably worth every penny) ................. So as it stands no joy, will order them and wait unless you knowledgeable souls have any sensible ideas ??
Looks the same as this it will be taken off my bike this week and then for sale it your interested?
thanks for the replies appreciate the advice! however being a woman, I had, as you probably could tell, already made up my mind and so have ordered them and waiting so patiently for their arrival!