Storing Wheels

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by idrinkbeer, May 20, 2015.

  1. iv a set of original sport classic wheels that I want to store long time. any advice ? at the minute iv removed the tires and coated them in wd40 placed them double bagged in the garage roof space , is this ok ?
  2. mmm rite enough the roof would get fairly hot in summer . iv binned the tyres as no one in their right mind would use them.
    the rims are in black bin bags and I thought wd40 in case of any damp .
  3. Ah, was thinking they were still shod! :) Your method should be fine...
  4. Your biggest issue will be the spokes since they are steel (assuming you have the aluminium wheels and not the steel ones). I'd store them in a well isolated place if possible.
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