848 Rev Limiter And Shift Lights

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by FingersG, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. I was watching an 848 video on you tube going round Cadwell Park. One thing I noticed was that the bike revved seemlessly up to the shift light.

    Mine however, does not, before the first light comes on, a limiter kicks in, then the bike continues to pull before getting to the shift light.

    My thought was that this is standard for a road bike but a remapped / termi chip might eliminate this issue.

    Before I get any comments about bike health, safety, why would you want to etc this is for track days , fast track days, noisy fast track days, noisy fast shift light flashing track days.

    Anyone know why or how or if this can be changed easily?
  2. Mine doesn't do that (Corse SE). It goes seamlessly up to the big red blob where the limiter kicks in. It has standard ecu.

    I've done 3 track days and not had any issues like you describe. Does yours have DTC?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. DTC? As far as I am aware it is a standard 2008 848
  4. No traction control, apparently it's not an uncommon problem
  5. Don't quite understand when you say limiter kicks in yet bike continues to pull?
  6. Like a hesitation, like hitting the limiter for second then carrying on up to the actual limit.
  7. Oh I see, not the actual rev limiter.

    I used to get a hesitation around 5-7k, then it would kick in again from 7-9k, nowhere near the limiter though. It was due to the exhaust valve (which operates at ~3-5k). Since I disabled the valve the bike pulls cleanly all the way through the revs, best and cheapest mod for these bikes IMO. My guess is that's the problem, though yours sounds quite high up the rev range for that.

    EDIT: just reread your 1st post, it sounds like the exhaust valve. There's a very simple fix for it that costs pennies.
    #7 redsail, Jul 14, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  8. Funnily enough I ordered an exhaust bypass thingy earlier in the week. It's my weekend task to fit it. If that's the issue hopefully I'll solve it this week. Thanks I'll update once fitted.
  9. Did you buy a dongle thing for the servo?

    You can just remove the upper cable to valve (behind the heat shield), leave the bottom cable to hold the valve open. You'll get an error but bike will still run if you want to check that's the cause of the hesitation (Off/on a second time within 30sec or so = no error as it doesn't check).

    I fitted a stiff spring around the free cable so the bike thinks is still attached... no errors and valve fixed in open position.
  10. I bought a dongle thing, admittedly sold on the ease of use and removal of dead weight. Not thinking it could be the problem I'm trying to solve.

    However your solution seems ideal for a quick check (McGyver style fixes always impress).
  11. Yep, I'm sure that'll cure the issue. Transformed my bike, especially on the track (can't take credit for it though, got the trick off another forum)
  12. So installed the dongle and removed the exhaust servo, did a test run and noticed that it does it on first but not on any other gear. Was down in donnington and managed to check it second and third. So my guess is that the bike hits the limit quicker than the screen can react in first.

    Did notice that the bike run smoother through the lower ranges without the servo and sounds a little nicer.Just need to make sure it gets through its next MOT!
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