1200 DVT First Pics

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rob888, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. First pics after some mods, had shoulder op in may so had plenty spare time, heading for 1st decent run on Friday up to north Scotland back down west coast and over to irelend next week for Armoy. Happy days IMG_0451.JPG IMG_0444.JPG
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  2. Looks great - some interesting mods there,
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  3. Cracking looking bike, nice work!

    I still can't decide if the silver on the handguards really works......
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  4. Very nice, congrats!
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  5. Like the screen Rob who's it made by ?
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  6. Carbon wrap looks good on the panniers. Nice bike
  7. Cheers, yeah not sure about silver on hand guards either, will come up with something to darken over winter, screen is ducati one.
  8. was very happy how that came out ☺
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Rob, did you use a new badge on the panniers or cut around them?
  10. I like the carbon wrap you've done there too, what sort of sheet did you use? Bike looks great, but you really have to lose those bog ugly reflectors on the forks, 10 minutes with some dental floss, and nail varnish remover, and they are gone! :)
  11. I don't think it dose if your guna paint all the alloy black. Not keen to be honest I think to much black make the bike lose certain lines that give it a stylish look for want of a better word?
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