hi guys . someone i know looking to buy 996r . can i ask please, what would 996r come with as standard from the shop? cover? rear stand? red leather box like 999r? 2xblack keys and 1x red? 2 sets of cans? thank you in advance
not sure about keys and tools/pouch but apparently extras included a satin bike cover, rear stand, plus extra race-kit carbonfibre Termignonis and ECU.
Pretty sure it's just the sides that are carbon. The tail definitely isn't because I've got one on my 916 and it's the same plastic as all the others...
2 keys Yes original it came with a dust cover and paddockstand It has a 50mm termignoni headers and pipes. Not the normal 50mm 916/996 termi setup, because the 996R has a 998 engine (testatretta). I'm also a R owner since a week