I think I treat my bike well....get it serviced by main dealer,when asked wash it occasionally, never ride it when there's salt on the ground etc etc, but when is it going to stop going wrong! It's had a half a dozen calls backs plus leaking fork seals and rear seized brake. However I continue loving it only to suffer problems with getting new Angel gt's (what could be easier,you would think?) the nut holding the rear exhaust was corroded and seized! more problems. 3rd sevice last week. This week the bike won't rev above 6k in any mode, more problems!...suspected Crankshaft timing sensor problem, only 8450m.....I can't recall having any problems with my first bike...a lovely Yamy FS1E HTK 606P.!!!!!
Oh dear,I very much suspect your bike will not rev over 6000 rpm because the exhaust valve is stuck,very common problem,but the good news is a very easy and quick fix.
....dealers say not, I think this problem was sorted on the GT model plus I can here it opening just after I start up. Any other suggestions?
...how do you lubricate that exup valve thingy, I put copper grease on my 2010 model but it aint high temperature so just burns off!
If tue exhaust bolt is that seized (they often are!) then it dould easily be the valve is also seized
I'm afraid I don't have the answer to hand,I suggest you do a search on the mts forum,as it's a well covered topic.
Only real answer to the exhaust valve problem is get rid of it altogether! A decat pipe and end can is soooo good for the Mutley. Running improves, mid range increases, sounds so much better etc etc. Fit these and you'll find It gives her a new lease of life, the sun will start shining, women will start to find you attractive etc etc. you know it makes sense!
Majvs has the ultimate answer, but if your keeping the exhaust system... I had Yamaha ExUP's in the 90's/00's. The Genuine manual stated to use molybdenum disulphide grease (used in rally car wheel bearings). It has a 'dry-lubricating ability' when the grease is exposed to extreme heat (which is instant on exhausts)... It worked for me, it stopped the annoying squeak of the valve when powering up.
That's a load of shite. I only had my 2014 S GT 3 weeks and the exhaust valve jammed solid. you could hear the servo but the valve never moved. I got round this by getting the dealer to write a disclaimer saying if I put an after market exhaust on they would still honour the warranty if the engine went tits up. Just a foot note 4 weeks after receiving the bike, when I went to fit the after market exhaust all the captive nuts on the exhaust heat shield had gone rotten and disintegrated when I undid the screws. It's the small things like that that make you worry about the quality of parts on the rest of the bike.