1200 DVT Adjusting Headlight Aim - Anyone Done It?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by steveb123, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. Having now ridden the bike in the dark, both solo and with pillion, I thought I would adjust the headlight aim.

    Referring to figure 271 on page 366

    Well I can't see adjusting screws in the position shown in the figure above. There is a single bolt head which is only visible if the black plastic guard attached to the lower yoke is removed. There are also a couple of screw heads visible in pockets within the headlight unit when viewed from below, but they are not very accessible. So I'm at a bit of a loss.

    So, has anyone worked out how to adjust the headlight aim yet?
  2. I have not but my Dealer did it for me the other day, from under nose cone with I think a 13mm socket on an extension it did not take him very long, nothing needs removing
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  3. Spot on - it is a single Silver nut in the centre (13mm socket fits) and it raises or lowers the one piece headlamp unit. The 2015 manual has not been updated and refers to the 2014 and previous models - oops.
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  4. Thanks @MaDProFF & @Veetwin

    The adjuster was very tight but after a few turns I managed to adjust the beam down enough for nighttime test run.

    Thanks again,
  5. Have the 1200S and 1200 models have different methods of adjusting the headlamp units?
  6. The adjuster on my '13 GT was under the clock. You need a stubby socket driver and the bars on full lock to get at it. I was getting flashed by everyone when I rode at night with a passenger (even when set to single rider & sport mode), so I gave it a go. I put the bike on the main stand and pointed it at a wall. 30 turns or so later, no difference. I had the dealer try and they said they couldn't get them any lower either. I hoping I don't have the same issue on the DVT.
  7. I was looking about some info as well.

    I did remove the entire nose part so I could easily reach that bolt wich adjust the height.

    Although I think you could do it with an extension piece and without removing the entire nose.

    Anyhow, I switched the bike on, started the bike, and adjusted the bolts, but in both cases, I couldnt see any movement in the headlights height as well as I am turning the bolt either way. :confused:

    So how the hell does one adjust the height?
    Its an S model btw.
  8. You can do it without removing anything iirc from when I did it. Do a search: there was a thread some time ago that talked through how to do it
  9. @Riko nice choice of helmet. I just bought my second GT-Air as my winter/touring helmet (I have an XSpirit III for summer and track) as I'd had one since they were first released and I figured it was due a replacement. I had the T5-Wanderer matt colour scheme which after a few years started looking really tatty, so this time I've just gone for a gloss black with a black tint visor as it changes the aesthetic of the helmet completely. Looks awesome.

    Apologies for the thread hijack.
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  10. I hope you weren't referring to this thread:

    because you dont see nothing but descriptions in words how to do it

    and I figured that one out myself, i got to the bolt that adjust the headlight

    or should I say, that should adjust the headlight

    but as I remarked, it did not move, at all

    the question is, how come

    if you have a picture thread, by all means share it, but I always do a search, but found nothing on this subject other than threads with lots of question marks so it seems
  11. Yes that’s the one. Not sure why you need pictures? If it doesn’t move, does it move the other way? Couldn’t just be at max in or out?
  12. Yes that’s the one. Not sure why you need pictures? If it doesn’t move, does it move the other way? Couldn’t just be at max in or out?
  13. so you already did it??
    I've turned both ways, so if its at max at one direction it should go at least to the direction thats not maxed out.

    how come what I have seen doesn't correspond with what you say?

    anyway, new info, maybe you can confirm:
    It takes a lot of turns to get some up or down movement.
    I didnt see it move at all, because I only turned the bolt one turn at max.
    I thought I would notice some movement, but it seems you got to turn a hell lot more for minimal movement?
  14. Park bike in front of a wall, about 5 to 6 foot away, with headlights on so the beam looks quite concentrated. Draw a chalk line under the bottom of where the light is focussed. Go make your adjustments and see if the light moves on the wall in relation to where you started. A large adjustment might only move a centimetre or so.

    You could make quite a big adjustment but not notice it just looking at the light unit. Keep in mind that the further away the subject is that you're illuminating (ie, a car in the distance) that small adjustments that you might see up close make a massive difference the further away you are from the thing you're illuminating.
  15. lol thats all irrelevant :)

    The bolt dont make the lights move up or down....or I didnt turn that bolt far enough either way. I only turned it one turn, not even that.

    Again, I've been told you have to turn them a lot to get some movement.
    Dunno if this is correct.
    Before I start to crawl under the bike and looking for my extension tools, I'd rather have confirmation.
  16. One turn of the adjuster bolt is negligible. Five turns, ten turns, maybe 15 turns should do it.
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  17. aaaaaight! Thx man!

    will do! thx for the heads up, gonna try to reach the bolt with an extension piece this time, I ain't keen to remove the beak again for one bolt :rolleyes:
  18. Yes I have. And what Pete said: it’s not suspension, it needs quite a few turns :upyeah: keep going unless it can’t go any more...then check you have the rich screw.
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  19. I did mine, a 13mm socket I think, and as said, quite a few turns. I did what rainman suggested and used a wall as a reference. Clockwise lowers the light beam, if I remember correctly
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  20. It's not irrelevant, because that's exactly how they test your head lights in an MOT. 1 turn is nothing up close and you won't even notice it, but half a mile away it will make a difference of several feet difference in beam height, which is why it needs lots of fine adjustment.
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