For Sale Ducati Bike Day 28th July Inters

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by SimonT, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Spare slot in the inters group on the Ducati day at Silverstone on the 28th July.

    PM me if interested.
  2. could i use your bike?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. That's the whole point............
  4. price pls? might be tempted to go
  5. List price is £175 - say £100
  6. I'll take it!
  7. Kin ell thats bargain of the year
  8. Have you seen the weather forecast, that's not a bargain, selling it is a miracle:).
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Anyone wanting to give their miracle place away for free then I'm happy to take it :)
  10. Weathers actually not looking too bad for tomorrow, couldn't have been any worse than yesterday at Thruxton.
  11. I've got another Inters space going for £100.00 if anyone fancies it. PM me if interested...
  12. If I didn't have to much shnizzle going on at the moment I'd be all over this.
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