Anyone purchased a din hella to usb adapter from amazon, if so which one, is it any good ? I ask because there are 2 amp and 3 amp from ultimate addons and there is also a very similar one which says not suitable for 2014 ducatti ??
Bought one of these when I got the bike but I now have the tank bag kit so it is surplus to requirements. It worked fine on the DVT for charging the IPhone 6. Cliff-Top™ 2.1 Amp BMW Motorcycle Hella(DIN) to USB Adaptor (Mini)
I got this one, just reaches to my tankbag (Givi 3D603). Really happy with it 12" Powerlink Weatherproof USB Charging Socket With Hella / Din / Bmw Plug | eBay do good lead/usb stuff. Bought a micro hella/bmw plug to usb with curly lead and waterproof socket/plug from them. Very happy with it.