
Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by bradders, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. :upyeah: Great service. Worth a mention and recommendation.
  2. That's good to know, we're just about to insure a car with them
  3. been with them a few years, car and bikes, always very helpful and good to talk to on the Uk mainland
  4. Never been there myself :)
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  5. My 748 is insured with them - renewal is due on 17th August, and they want £117 fully comp.
  6. lots of pebbles,,no sand ;)
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  7. Really needs a sandy beach to get my recommendation :Wideyed:
  8. I always find it a battle to get a quote out of them.
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  9. Best time to phone is in the morning, about 1066.
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  10. They'll give you a discount if you fit arrow cans.
  11. Keep an eye out for special deals flying about.
  12. not recomended if you name is Harold.
  13. should that not be 11.06

  14. No silly, 1106 was the battle of Tinchebrai, Henry I vs Robert.

    Did you not go to Skool?
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