1200 DVT Bugger!!!! + A Few Observations

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Franksie, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. I was over in Snowdonia the weekend including the Friday and the Sunday where it totally chucked it down, the bike performed brilliantly but needed a deep clean today and I noticed a few things.

    Firstly my bloody Frank Thomas boots lost a plastic cover on the ankle protection exposing a copper bolt which has scratched my frame!!!! in a word BUGGER!!! remedys anyone??



    One of the things that's annoyed me is the poor fitment of the seats against the bodywork as there is at least 5-8mm gap which I think has resulted in this !!

    I think this last one has already been covered but the base of the shock makes a nice litte bird bath as traps water...a lot of it, in the end I used our vaccum cleaner to suck it all up, (divorce pending unless I change the soggy bag!!)


    Not a very clear picture but believe me a problem for the future.

    All said and done I,m loving the bike and as I said it performed faultless, unless it falls apart in front of my eyes I think this ones a keeper, for a couple of years at least
  2. I feel your pain regarding the frame Franksie. My choice of repair would be to get a colour match from an auto paint supplier, I would definatley go for 2K paint (usually 50/50 paint/hardener +10% thinner mix). Don't add the thinner though (that's for spray gun use), then dab it into the scratch (dapple effect to match, a couple of applications should do it:)

    That seat gap worries me, not got my DVT yet. Wonder if it happens in the 'low' seat position?

    Reading other posts about the puddle the shock sits in state that there is a small drain hole that can block...
  3. Regarding the detritus under the seat; I found something similar after a wet ride the other weekend. I think it comes from the hole in the plastic tray under the battery which forms part of the underseat mudguard. In the photo below you can clearly see the light from a torch resting on the rear tyre. I assume it's there to provide some cooling to electronics / actuators under the seat.


    Before anyone asks, the battery is on charge as the ignition has been on for extended period while I've been trying to resolve an intermittent silences when playing music using the Bluetooth hub.
  4. The regulator/rectifier is mounted just below the battery, and the undertray has large holes to allow cooling air into and out of the reg/rec. That's good, if it extends the life and improves the reliability of the reg/rec, but it does mean that water a dirt have a place to get in.
  5. Wow, you'd think Ducati would know how to design a bike by now, I'm sorry and I know how you must be feeling but from my experience Multistrada's are made for dry hot country's, no way are the weather proof not if you want them to last, and if your like me and do want it to last you'll be swapping out cheep fittings and cleaning it almost every time you go out on it. either that or your on try options and know you can give it back in 3 years.
  6. If you're washing your bike while it is on the centre stand it's worth letting it after the wash for a while on the side stand, remove the seat and use air from the pump in the gas station to dry up the compartment under the seat. Here in Greece we're lucky because any tiny hole and crack will eventually dry during the summer within minutes, during the winter takes a bit longer, but pressurized air does the job providing that you're gentle.
  7. Sounds like a lot of fuss for a £15k+ bike.
  8. Solution = NEVER use these bikes in the wet. Ship them to hot arid countries and enjoy :Happy:

    (hope they sort these little niggles out for when I decide to change.....)
  9. That hole's gunna get bunged up in the morning !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. The last picture is some water sitting near the suspension ? Actually there is a hole around there to water to go down I think your one must have blocked ! I didn't have that problem.

    I agree with the seat! Now I use it higher version and there is a lot of unfitted spaces. Not cool.
  11. Drill a bigger hole? :rolleyes:
  12. +1. Banjo bolts and various other bits corroded on my 2013.
  13. I looked out for the 'pool' when I washed my bike today and, yes, it does fill up. I didn't find a drain hole so pumped the water out - I will have a closer look for the hole tomorrow ;)
    Another little gripe discovered because I cleaned the bike (knew it was a mistake!) is that it is impossible to wash and or dry the lower part of the inside of the screen (from the upper mounting points down) without taking it off - that's going to end up looking a bit grubby, I think.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Took mine in to the dealers for its long overdue first service and they said there isn't a drainage hole!!!!!! I, certainly couldn't find one so intrigued to see where it is"
  15. EVERYTHING corroded on my '10, despite being garaged, washed and ACF50'd…
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