749 Bits

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by mattyboy 38, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. Lol you subscribe to forum and it gets rid of adverts and also gets you discount with @Exige
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    You can also change your message under your name
    Eg Exige is a woman eater ;)
  3. :Shifty:......................:Hungry:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. And you get to change your forum status :D
  5. Ha ha anyway still need some bits he he all left hand side
  7. Have
    Have heard there are women that like to be eaten... :0
  8. Omg its failed me today was going to Matlock for a chill cruise and its started popping img missing on the front cylinder going to change the plugs any idea of what plugs to fit
  9. Coils are known for breaking down on the front cylinder of these bikes. Check for water first, it can collect and cause shorting issues.
    I have fitted Iridium plugs to my 999. They allegedly last for tens of thousands of miles without attention and give a fatter spark than conventional plugs because they can and do use a larger plug gap.
  10. Thank you very much can you remember what code off plug and gapping size I've took coil off and wd 49 all the connections it seems to be ok but not put it under load yet
    Thanks again
  11. Oops wd 40
  12. Title changed and thread moved :)
  14. NGK CR9 EIX
    They come preset to a gap that is larger than standard for conventional plugs and I stuck with that. Some people do use an even larger gap though.
    I do have to warn you though that there is a well documented problem with using NGK plugs in Testastretta engines.
    The plugs sit at the bottom of a long, tapered aperture and it's the taper that is the problem because NGK plugs have the hex flats that the plug spanner engages on closer to the tip of the plug than oem Champion plugs do. This means that the spanner fouls the taper before it gets far enough down to tighten or loosen the plug.
    To overcome this you need a very slim-wall plug spanner or do what I did and file down the standard supply Ducati tool kit plug spanner.
    #35 Old rider, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
  15. Im breaking an 04 749 if you need any parts still?
  16. Yeh I do I need a lh mirror in red and a gear lever if those are available if it's got any fancy bits let us know that's great
    • Like Like x 1
  17. :):)o_O
  18. :Wideyed::p:Writing::Snaphappy::Brb:
  19. Yeah I set Iridiums to 0.9mm.

    See me? Love cake!
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