Engine Case Repair Limitations

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by pingping010101, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. I've got an issue on one of my motorcycles. It's been crashed and the engine case has been damaged in an area where the only way to replace it is to change one whole half of the crank case.

    The part that is damaged is the lug to which the side stand connects and also 2 pillars in to which the clutch slave cylinder bolts are fixed. Do you think this is enough to write off the engine or can it be repaired?
  2. I had a side stand lug repaired by welder on an SS motor years ago. He rebuilt the web with a bit of sheet and built the threaded part up with weld and retapped it. Still good 10+ years later.
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  3. This picture shows the damage. I found a guy near by that will do it. I best call him and find out how much the damage will be...

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