High Temp & Intermittent Throttle

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Gordonrand, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Hi,
    Had a 1098s since 2007 and had fault free motoring.......until now!!!
    Few weeks ago, outside lane of motorway, grabbed some gas and nothing!! Pulled over and 2 seconds later, all was OK.
    Since then, the bike has occasionally shown the same fault and sometimes, stalls coming upto lights or a roundabout.
    Today on the way to the GP, lumpy response. Pulled over, switched off and back on and all OK. Noticed on the way home, the temperature was hovering about the 90-97 degrees centigrade mark which seems a tad high!!
    Had the plugs changed but still doing it.
    Any ideas what's causing it. Fuel system, throttle sensor, thermostat???
    Would appreciate some help with this.
  2. Try having the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) checked/set at a main dealers. It's quite a common cause of many throttle related problems.
    Temp doesn't sound to be a problem, but if it's mis-fueling then a temp change wouldn't be unexpected.
    There may be readily availble equipment/software to reset the TPS at home but I only know of the Mathesis(?) dealer stuff.
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