1200 DVT Newbie Questions

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by stooby, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Hi All,

    So as of Saturday I now own my first Ducati (woohoo!), my first V Twin (ridden a couple over the years but never owned one) and my first non-sports bike in 20 odd years.
    Having put a couple of hundred miles on it my only regret in getting it is not having tried one sooner.
    It is epic. I love it. Anyway, I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:
    1) I know the gear box is a tad tight at first and although I was struggling to find netral between 1 and 2 it is getting easier. However if I'm not firm enough in dropping down from 6th to 5th I sometimes get a neutral. Is this normal?
    2) At low speeds on the over run it does like to pop and bang a bit. I like it but again, I guess this is normal.

    3) I have the seat on high setting. No matter how I put the rider seat on there is a gap between seat and tank at the front. The rest of the seat sits fine. I guess this is normal too? I think I saw a thread about this before during my lurking days but I can't find it now.

    4) I have an Optimate 4 battery charger and have fitted a lead to the battery. However I believe that with the right cable I should be able to connect the charger into the power point on the dash. The cable I've seen mentioned is the Optimate 047 which looks like it has a square connector. The power point on the dash looks round. What sort of connector am I needing? I also have a heated waistcoat and would prefer to get a lead for the power point. Again, I'm not clear what the connection the ducati uses actually looks like. Any pointers?

    5) Is anyone here riding a DVT and who is 5'6"? My missus rides a blade but now has Multistrada envy. Before she gets her hopes up anyone around that height care to comment on how hard/easy it is to deal with?

    None of the above are complaints. I'm enjoying it too much.


  2. Hi - WELCOME

    Point 1 - Yes I get the ocassional false neutral in a few places - need to be firm with it to make sure it changes.

    Point 2 - Mine does a little - worse with a Termi - probably nothing to worry about.

    Point 3 - Seat fit is not great - some are worse than others - so without seeing a photo difficult to answer - mine is fine at front - gap underneath (low position and low seat)

    Point 4 - I would just stay with standard one connected to battery - the socket is probably switched through ignition so when ignition is off it is off - but I could be wrong there - I have never tried it!

    Point 5 - Yes - i am short - 5'7" - but 26 1/2" inside leg - but I am heavy - so compress a bit - I have low setting low seat and thicker sole boots - and am fine!

    Best bike I have had!!
  3. Thanks Simon!
    I quite like the popping and banging it makes. I do fancy the Termi I have to say. Shame my car died the day after I bought the Duc.
    As for the height, it's good to hear you don't have any problems. Having seen the light with the Multistrada I'd really like to see the other half on one too.

  4. Some answers:

    1) I know the gear box is a tad tight at first and although I was struggling to find netral between 1 and 2 it is getting easier. However if I'm not firm enough in dropping down from 6th to 5th I sometimes get a neutral. Is this normal?

    >>>If you adjust the gear lever so it is down a bit, it will engage better when changing up, where you can find some false neutrals when new. I didn't really have any when changing down, but as you say it's better to be a bit firmer. Nothing unusual.

    2) At low speeds on the over run it does like to pop and bang a bit. I like it but again, I guess this is normal.

    >>>Yes, nice isn't it.

    3) I have the seat on high setting. No matter how I put the rider seat on there is a gap between seat and tank at the front. The rest of the seat sits fine. I guess this is normal too? I think I saw a thread about this before during my lurking days but I can't find it now.

    >>>Sounds a bit strange. Can you post up a picture?

    4) I have an Optimate 4 battery charger and have fitted a lead to the battery. However I believe that with the right cable I should be able to connect the charger into the power point on the dash. The cable I've seen mentioned is the Optimate 047 which looks like it has a square connector. The power point on the dash looks round. What sort of connector am I needing? I also have a heated waistcoat and would prefer to get a lead for the power point. Again, I'm not clear what the connection the ducati uses actually looks like. Any pointers?

    >>>I haven't tried this - I just use the lead from the battery direct to the optimate and keep it tucked under the seat when not in use. I think the dash connector is a Powerlet plug like this:
    Powerlet Straight Plug - Powerlet Products


    5) Is anyone here riding a DVT and who is 5'6"? My missus rides a blade but now has Multistrada envy. Before she gets her hopes up anyone around that height care to comment on how hard/easy it is to deal with?

    >>>Sorry - 6'2" here.
  5. Thanks Tobers!
    I'll get a couple of pictures of the seat. To be honest it doesn't bother me really. I'm too busy riding it to be bothered looking at it too closely!
  6. 1) I know the gear box is a tad tight at first and although I was struggling to find netral between 1 and 2 it is getting easier. However if I'm not firm enough in dropping down from 6th to 5th I sometimes get a neutral. Is this normal?
    I don't find a problem finding Neutral between 1st and 2nd, I do fgt a few false Neutrals, but fine adjusting the gear lever can sometimes make sure you are with in the limits of selecting.
    2) At low speeds on the over run it does like to pop and bang a bit. I like it but again, I guess this is normal.
    Yep quite normal
    3) I have the seat on high setting. No matter how I put the rider seat on there is a gap between seat and tank at the front. The rest of the seat sits fine. I guess this is normal too? I think I saw a thread about this before during my lurking days but I can't find it now.
    Mine is on low, so no idea
    4) I have an Optimate 4 battery charger and have fitted a lead to the battery. However I believe that with the right cable I should be able to connect the charger into the power point on the dash. The cable I've seen mentioned is the Optimate 047 which looks like it has a square connector. The power point on the dash looks round. What sort of connector am I needing? I also have a heated waistcoat and would prefer to get a lead for the power point. Again, I'm not clear what the connection the ducati uses actually looks like. Any pointers?
    Not sure, and before I plug a Charger into that, I would make 100% sure you can, as that was put there for the Tank Bag cable connection to charge items in the tank bag, and only powered I think when ignition or engine is running, I think there is a proper connector under seat that is solely for an optimate
    5) Is anyone here riding a DVT and who is 5'6"? My missus rides a blade but now has Multistrada envy. Before she gets her hopes up anyone around that height care to comment on how hard/easy it is to deal with?
    I am 5'6" ish, inside leg of 30" and that was 80% of me getting the DVT, after and still owning a 63 plate MS, I can pretty well get both feet flat when in the right mode, and with sky hook all stiffens up once riding. I use the touring and enduro and sport modes with a higher preload so it is stiffer and higher, but when I know I have to slow move, or traffic etc, back in urban mode, and it is low enough for me.
  7. Thanks MadProff,
    Good point about the power point on the dash. I think I'll stick with the standard lead.
    Good point regarding leg length and riding mode. I'm new to this skyhook stuff.
    First bike with ABS (never mind the cornering abs). My first bike that has hazard warning lights!
    Yesterday it hit 4C on the way into work and I got an ice warning on the screen!!! I had to pull over to make sure it wasn't a fault indicator! All very clever shit.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. you will grow to love it even more in time :)
  9. Well this is how my seat looks:

  10. Yep, that's how mine looks too. I have swapped about high and low and that is the fit for high position
  11. Thanks grayspeed. It doesn't really bother me but I did wonder if I was doing something wrong.

  12. The dashboard 12 volt socket is a switched live so you can't use it to charge / maintain your battery as it is essentially dead unless the bike is switched on.
  13. Thanks robbieben!
  14. I posted a thread about the seat/fairing finish somewhere as the ones on my new DVT left a bit to be desired and yes especially the seat which doesn't look particularly in-line. On the less worrying side, when I visited the factory in Italy a couple of months ago all of the bikes outside the factory ranged from ok to pretty shite so mine and yours are within the range! Mine looks a bit worse than yours does to be fair.
  15. Gosh, it's when they get things wrong that they've been doing for years that's annoying. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but I expect they've fitted a few seats to bikes in their time...and got it right.
    By the way is yours in the high setting too?
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