Just drained the oil on the Corse and was hoping for a nice clean magnet, but this is what I found. Is this normal, not normal but nothing to worry about, worrying: take it to dealer. Bike is 2 years old ~8000miles, just out of warranty and had all previous services and work done at main dealers.
hmm, so on one hand nothing to worry about, on the other its enough to have the bike replaced under warranty...
To be fair, they were big bits. Crank bearing circlip had failed on mine, basically it hadn't been inserted correctly, fell out and got mashed into little pieces! I wouldn't expect to see anything other than a grey paste with a similar consistency to toothpaste on a magnetic sump plug. I would be worried if I had pulled a roll pin out of the sump.
Was that at the 600 mile service? I've had two dealer oil changes, so anything like that I'd have expected them to notice.