As above....some of the lads on the af1 forum have said that the Ace is a bit rubbish now...apparently the food isn't that good and I quote "Dem r1 Boyz..." - loads of people outside making too much noise bouncing engines off the rev limiters.....but - weve never been before and apparently theyre on their last warning so we thought we'd go, see what it was like and maybe see/speak to some fast bikes staff/anyone else that'll talk to us! - before the place gets closed down.... Ill be going on the zed (perfect for the run up the m4 from Bristol as its so comfortable), mate will be on his dorso 1200....
Can confirm the food is shit. Fry-ups are probably the best thing they do but fairly expensive even for London. Bacon Sandwich is a horribly limp affair on standard, untoasted supermarket white. The one time I've been on a Friday, it was packed to the rafters with the Gixxer chav types, that Brixton gang on R1s, et al. You do get the theatre of wheelies and burnouts up and down the road, probably a few near misses as well and all the grey-toweling tracksuits and second hand weed smoke you can um, smoke. I prefer going on weekends, I avoid the killer feeder traffic to the A40 that occurs on Friday afternoon/nights and there is normally some or other car or bike club displaying their vehicles or a trade display of some sort. Then again, I'm 36, I would have probably found Fridays awesome at 21.
46 here so if anything I've not really grown up at all.... In my head I'm still 18... Well... We'll go for the "experience" if anything...
No, do the whole thing buy food & pay from a piss poor cuppa. You'll never want to spend good money at that place ever again. It's a dismal affair that is renowned only for the kit that gets parked up!
Heh.... Ill pass on the food then and get some elsewhere.... Im just wondering what the fast bikes angle will be?
Well, we went - @royalwithcream - where were you! The food wasn't bad atall - if anything I liked it - apart from the trappy hipster behind the counter... Stuff that I learnt from going.... 1. Go in the summer months when you know its going to be hot....while it was a lovely ride there - it was bloody freezing on the way home....thank the lord for heated grips...(had mine on 100% all the way home) - when we stopped at reading services (1.30 am) I didn't want to get back on...the Travelodge looked inviting...but as we got further west it warmed up a little. 2. Clientele - I might get shot down in flames here but from what I could see people go to the Ace to be seen....whereas when I went to loomies it looked like people went for the ride there... 3. Bikes - There were some pretty shocking bikes there...ones to note were various old shitters that people were revving the tits off of. While we were in the ace eating some bloke sat down with his bird next to us. He had suspiciously black hair for his age, the obligatory chain on the jeans (I still don't know whats on the other end) and some sort of knitted bag on his head, a fleeting glance would have indicated, a bit grungy, until his mouth opened.....and my mate shot me a look... "oh ya....I test rode it and just had to have it straight away"....a bog stock black z1000sx with some weird fans he'd fitted to the back of it and I shit you not he put the ignition key in, turned it, and it lit up literally, like a Christmas tree....not long after we left... On the plus side: my zed was supremely comfortable to ride - its the first time ive ever been on a long run on it now its finished to my spec. Acceleration in the 80 - 100 mark is amazing. Almost top ended it coming back into Bristol early morning (about 2.30am) - got to 154 but ran out of road and neck muscles....I reckon it had another 10mph in there plus it didn't crawl the last part - it went straight there so very pleased with it, very happy. So, yeah - id go again but it'd have to be mid summer and something would have to be going on said "fast bikes night" but I may have been getting the wrong end of the stick on that one but it was still good to go for the experience... In comparison, I prefer loomies, the run there is one of if not the best ive had. The bikes that are there are done to a bst carbon wheels, FGR forks, or just generally looked after, and the people that go (to me) look like they go for the ride and the enjoyment...ive only been the once but that's my perception - plus its in a nice quiet surrounding (out in the country)...I may be wrong on some aspects and If I am I apologise...