1200 DVT 2 Week Old 1200s Touring - Front Brake Vibrating

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dale Taylor, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. Hi All.

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced any issues with front braking on the new DVT? It just feels different to what I am used to, I haven't yet been into the garage for the 600 mile service but this will be within the next week or so. I did phone them and told them I was getting this like zinging vibrating feeling when braking from speed, they said its likely to be the ABS?? I had ABS on my Z1000sx and I've not experienced this feeling on that. I guess I am just trying to work out if its normal. Is it because the pads/discs are new, or have I been braking too heavily early on? (I don't think I have excessively to be honest)
    Any thoughts/opinions.
    Cheers ;)
  2. Check nothing is loose, Ducati's do have a habit of bolts dropping out early on in its life
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  3. Does it behave as you would expect at slower speeds ?

    Doesn't ABS give a visual indication on the dash ?
  4. The braking itself is fine with no issues at all, its just like a zinging vibrate rather than a shudder type feeling. Difficult to explain but yes it is felt a lot more when braking at speed.
  5. Doesn't sound like ABS at all, that more just sounds like a dealer plucking an excuse out of the air. I'd check the disc & pad surfaces for anything that may cause it. Could be a build up of pad material causing vibration or something. I take it the problem isn't so bad that you would go as far as to say warped discs?
  6. Ride it to dealer, and ask them to check it out, and ride it.
    I assume you have not changed the settings on the ABS by mistake?
  7. Recently found out that the disc bobbins can seize which will defeat the semi floating function. Easy to check as the bobbins should move with finger pressure applied from the inside side of the disc. If seized easy solution is to use a propriety brake cleaner aerosol. Andy
  8. No, I don't think its warped discs, more of a faint vibrate
  9. I don't believe I have, its the same on Sport and Touring mode
  10. Thanks Andy, do you think that may cause the slight zingy vibrating feeling? I will check them tonight
  11. Nearly an MoT failure on my girlfriend's Diavel. If a bobbin is seized it could mean the the disc isn't running perfectly true so yes, IMO it could produce the affect you are experiencing. Andy
    #11 Android853sp, Sep 28, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
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  12. Has the bike got wet. My brakes seam to squeal and vibrate now after it got rained on the other week
  13. My bike did this after it's first rainy outing. Some copaslip on the rear of the pads fixed it and it's been fine since.
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  14. Thanks must get round to doing it.
  15. Done ant big wheelies, a hard landing can jar the Pistons so they are not pumping in and out smoothly. Otherwise as has been previously posted, any issue as important as braking should be looked at by dealership as a matter of urgency.
  16. Mine does have some vibration, more like chatter, only does it under hard braking and haven't managed to suss out yet if it's the brakes, the suspension trying to compensate for the hard braking, or just crap road surfaces, but there is definitely something under hard braking.
    2014 Touring S.
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