Just Discovered The Joys Of Ducati

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by CraigA, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Morning folks,

    My name is Craig and I'm a Ducati convert! Having spent years on Japanese machinery and fully enjoying it, I have just this week discovered the pleasure of V twin and am in love!

    I live in bonny Perthshire, however, was given a strong incentive to travel to Leeds Ducati this week to trade in my Suzuki for a new Hypermotard. The first 30 miles were a joy, the instant power, the speed of turn in, the riding position - everything was perfect....then an approaching right hander, tip in, gust of wind, run wide - boom, through a fence and into a field!! Bike held up pretty well to be fair, LCD screen cracked, lost handguard and mirror, dented front wheel, but still jumped back on and road 250 miles home...not the best idea as I'm now in excruciating pain three days later, but even in that much pain and with a now less-than-perfect bike, I had moments of pure joy riding home.

    Now, I'm just waiting for Glasgow to collect, assess and hopefully fix the bike then enjoy it fully!

    Anyway, look forward to meeting some of you guys soon. Ride safe...
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  2. Do you know @finm , he lives up you're way and seems to know everyone from Scotchland that joins the Forum.
    A big welcome from me :upyeah:

    Edit, 30 miles from Leeds you must have been on the A1M :Wideyed: hope you and the bike get fixed up soon!
  3. It sounds like I might be the first from Scotchland not to know finm!

    I was heading toward the lakes so was travelling on the A65 - sure I'll mend soon enough and hopefully the Hypermotard is fixable...otherwise another new one will be on the way :)
  4. Welcome youngster - not the best start but you seem to have taken it in good humour.

    I spent many an hour at Perth racecourse (in my prime) pretending to work, and it's beautiful around that area.

    Ducbird will be along soon, but don't hold it against the rest of us
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  5. Thanks wroughtironron, wouldn't have been so many years ago that I'd have been raging about it all, but it is what it is. Hopefully get it all mended and get to fully enjoy it soon enough!

    I look forward to Ducbird...I think :Nailbiting:
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    • Love You Love You x 1
  6. Well, you will soon ;) and watch that ducbird, she's proper menkal :Wideyed::Bag:
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  7. don't worry craig their harmless, not the brightest to be fair but their ok. nope i dont know a craig from perthshire, ride around that part often so who knows, might have chatted at the usual spots. anyhoo, how do, enjoy,and remember, patience is a virtue. :upyeah::smile:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Where you from finm?
  9. near ballachulish on the oban road
  10. Welcome Scottish Dave :)
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  11. I'm here .... :Angelic:
    Bit late but that's better than never :)

    Wow Craig that's some entrance :Banghead: to Ducati ownership
    You got to look after the red ones they are the best :Smuggrin:

    I see you met the locals already
    Crazy they are watch out :Clown:

    Oh and everyone knows finamin surely :Wideyed:
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  12. Welcome, sorry to hear about your off hope you get the bike sorted soon.
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  13. Welcome. Glad your little off hasn`t put you, err.. off.
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    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  14. Welcome ;)
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  15. So Glasgow Ducati were super efficient today. Bike collected from my house at 10am ish, they called to say they had it at around 2pm and then by around 3:30pm I had the estimate - top work!

    New front wheel rim, handguard, fairing bits and bobs, headlight, instrument panel along with a few other bits and all will be good again. Forks are straight too so that was a bonus.

    Now, just the wait for insurers to say :thumbsup: and I'll be good to go....assuming I can ever walk straight again!!
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  16. good on yer, riding the 250 miles home,,, Perth is nice place
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  17. Thanks cherod, looking back...perhaps not one of my brightest moves but just wanted home!

    Perth is a nice place, some great roads roundabout this neck of the woods too :sunglasses:
  18. Good stuff, enjoy it!
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  19. hello and welcome dude.. spectacular entrance btw! beats fvk outa the usual " hi im a newb" hope you mend soon and it dont cost too much to fix the scoot (know how you lot hate parting with the coin!) :upyeah:
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  20. I been to Perth a couple of times this year for work and agree it seams a very nice place! Shame that on both occasions I've had to travel on to Dundee! :pensive:

    Hello and welcome.
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