New coolant Re-call for multi

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Nik the greek, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. This cut and paste was "borrowed" from a Diavel forum

    Posted Yesterday, 07:55 AM
    OK here's the response from Andrea Forni - yes he replied, wow!

    Mr. Bannister, good afternoon.
    Sorry for the delay in this answer.
    I guess you are referring to my interview appeared on “ashonbikes”, that I report here :

    There seems to have been an unusual number of cylinder head failures, can you tell us anything about this?
    "Yes, there have been some problems with coolant escaping into the lubricating oil. This was caused by an unexpected internal corrosion problem caused by glycol-based anti-freeze. We have changed the anti-freeze specification to a non-glycol one and this has cured the problem. We now recommend a non-glycol anti-freeze for all existing Testastretta engines."

    If so, I would like to clarify some statements that could be misinterpreted.
    The above interview was related to Multistrada 1200.
    Is a matter of fact that we faced a few cases of cylinder head corrosion on Multistradas. but other Ducati models (1198, Diavel, Streetfighter) are not interested.
    Too long to detail why, but this is what actually happened.
    It’s also true that the change of original anti-freeze to one with better anti-corrosion properties cured the problem (on the affected bikes, therefore on Multistradas).
    It’ undeniable that new anti-freeze has better anti-corrosion performances than older one.
    Therefore, on assembly line, we shifted to the new one, and, for obvious standardization reasons, the new anti-freeze is now applied to all liquid cooled engines.
    But your Diavel (as well as 1198, 848, Streetfighter, ecc.) does not need the replacement of anti-freeze before the expected normal service interval.
    Of course, when you will perform the next scheduled service, we recommend you to use new one, but you are not required to do it as a sort of urgent action to prevent damages.
    Finally, please let me clarify that the differences between old and new anti-freeze are basically the additives of the products, and not the base component that is still glycol.
    The wrong statement was due to a my mistake in the interview, I apologize.

    Hoping that I have clarified your doubts, please accept my best regards.

    Andrea Forni
  2. Well, I think you have to say "fair play" to Andrea Forni for responding.

    And as I said earlier, my dealer told me about the replacement coolant today.

    Of course there is always the nagging thought in the back of your mind where you think "ah, but is it too late, is the damage already done?".
  3. The damage is probably already done, two years of use without the correct corrosion inhibitors spells trouble down the line, the first you will know about it is when it fails, unless the heads are removed prior to that for inspection. Ducati should be doing a recall, by the time they fail, any warranty will be well gone.
  4. +1 on that !
  5. This issue is now making me think that a very low mileage 2010/2011 model bike will be the one to buy and make sure the coolant is changed immediately, or buy a new 2012. Higher mileage models are going to be high risk I think
  6. My bike had its first (600 miles) service yesterday and the recall was not mentioned. I asked specifically about coolant recall and he also said they had done some MultiStradas but there was no recall on mine.
    The manufacturing date was 22/06/2012, so maybe Ducati changed the coolant used in the production line before 22/06/2012.

    Is there anyway of checking what recalls are due on a bike? I seem to recall the DVLA do something for safety recalls but coolant is likely not a safety matter.
    Can someone call Ducati UK directly and request this sort of information?
  7. Just look at the colour of the coolant in the bottle.
  8. What colour is good and what colour is bad ?
  9. The coolant is blue. Is it true that the old bad coolant is blue and the new replacement is pink?
  10. ENI describe the colour as "Pale red-violet".
  11. I think that is close to pink Red-violet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Mine is definitely a blue so I don't think I have the new coolant. Wow, not even one month old and already, a recall. Had a service yesterday at OYB and they did not do it. Must phone them tomorrow and ask them why not.
    #31 DonaldDuc, Sep 30, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2012
  12. ENI have a range of antifreeze products, which one is now the Ducati recommendation ?

    Sorry Pete, I didn't see your earlier post on this.
    #32 johnv, Sep 30, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2012
  13. Is this coolant that needs replaced in earlier 2010/2011 models as well or just 2012 bikes??
  14. Well, I'd say talk to your dealer, but I have an MY10 and my dealer told me that they would be replacing the coolant on my bike.
  15. Just take it to your dealer and they will sort it!
  16. Be good if they would, yesterday mine told me to wait for a letter from Ducati. Or is that the best advice?
  17. I have sent an e-mail to my dealer and will follow up with a telephone call tomorrow.
  18. Have the 2012 Touring model bought in April so gave my dealership a ring. They received notification of the recall last week but can't do anything yet until the new coolant arrives (obviously!). Awaiting the letter from Ducati.
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