John Carpenter, the guy who has been supplying RITA ignitions for forty years, has recently packed up due to old age. It does not seem that anyone is carrying it on. As a result it now seems to be impossible to buy replacement RITA parts - unless anybody knows otherwise, in which case please correct me.
Many thanks for the info Guys; any comments on the effectiveness of the oil supply and filtration mods re engine life and general everyday use tonking around the B roads??
The original oil system on 900 bevels consists of a low-pressure oil pump, a part-flow oil filter (between the cylinders), and small internal drillways carrying oil to the crankshaft and the heads. It's not great. The Pantah and all later Ducatis, by contrast, have a high-pressure oil pump in the first place. This bike is allegedly fitted with an uprated oil pump (which is a good thing), a larger full-flow oil filter (which is a good thing), and external oil pipes to the crank and heads (which are a good thing if larger than the internal drillways). In the 70s people used to fit an oil cooler as a modification, especially for racing, but this guy seems to have chosen not to do so on this bike.
Its way better than the original system as with that the filter was on a bypass line. Check if its a full flow system i.e. all the oil goes through the filter before going to the engine, that's the way I have mine set up as its got a plain bearing crank. And ask if the 'crap traps' in the crank were cleaned out when the engine was worked on. Seem to remember they like straight oil not multigrade but MrR can probably advise better on that. Posted a moment after Pete1950 posted so a bit of a repeat
With those oilway and pump mods you might not have to change the oil every thousand miles as some bevel owners do!
Are you saying you have a bevel twin (not a Mille) which has a plain bearing crank? If so, the bottom end must be very special indeed!
Its actually a 900SS fitted with a Mille crank and oil pump. There was at least 1 other one done like this which was in a Harris chassis and featured in Superbike magazine back in the day. That one was owned by Ford Europe head of Engineering and built by Newton Equipe I think. I did my own in a shed.....
Right - I have seen the bike, and heard it run, pretty loud ( natch ) and it would not settle to a tick-over, but as it says, carbs do need to be set up. Riding position is far too cramped for me, but a pal of his has a Darmah body set that he may be willing to part with - will keep you posted. Better start clearing some room in the garage !! Has anyone got any Darmah body kit - tank, seat, foot pegs etc ?? Might anyone want a handmade ally tank, seat unit and fairing if this all comes together as I hope it might ?
Excellent you will enjoy it. Mine used to tick over when the stars aligned, always used that as an excuse to keep blipping the throttle.
Bl@@dy Hell - its all fallen through - I don't think he ever really wanted to part with the bevel. There is now more space ( main aim of the sale ) in his Bro's garage as the two belters have gone to a new home, - anyone got a Darmah for sale ?
Wow !! 1978, 14,000 miles, what a beauty. Should I upgrade to a modern ignition system, or is the Bosch OK ??
I am going to mid-Wales to view on Wed AM. I understand that it has been run only twice in the last year, and then not at all for the previous eight ! Might take a few covers off and squirt some oil down the drive tubes and a little in the plug holes and a good few kicks before trying to fire up.