Thought I Recognised You!

Discussion in 'MKF Ducati 24500' started by Bob T, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. #1 Bob T, Nov 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2015
  2. What are you saying?
  3. i just said that
  4. Hi bobT
    Our website has our address and contact number on there. We have various forum members we have dealt with. I've just read the comments you left on a previous post, I have no idea where you have got gite rentals, car hire etc from. My wife has children's shoe business.
    We are fully registered with siret numbers etc and have been for several years.
    I'd appreciate you either getting the facts correct first, or have the manners to contact me privately if you have any concerns or questions, rather than posting incorrect facts and making forum members second guess what is a legitimate business.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. :Bag:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. No offence was meant in any way. I saw this post with your website and realised that you live quite close to me. I then realised that I had researched you many months ago when forum members were saying "wouldn't trust that" and "Very suspicious..." when you had an ebay item for sale.
    As someone who might want Ducati parts myself and lives within 60 miles of you I just thought that I might have found a shop or unit with Ducati stuff for sale in the area.
  7. I know that you have a siret number and I never said that you were into car rentals, but car spares as described under the business section of a siret search.
  8. where we going with this? it was just getting good
  9. Hi bobT
    We deal with customers all over the world, we're not a massive company like some, we work through word of mouth/recommendations and have recently decided to start the website to appeal to a wider audience. Your more than welcome to come and meet me at anytime your passing, we're also at the bike/car meets regularly at Bergerac every month. I believe you know another forum member near us, User: SBK, he has bought several bikes and parts over the past 18 months.

    @eltoro can this please be removed as facts are not correct. Thank you
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Did you break the D16 :(
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  11. Yes all gone, a few bits left.:cry: We have a 999R as well breaking at the moment..
    2 x 1199 breakers as well...
  12. What are you asking me to remove? From what I can see this thread doesn't have any incorrect facts or info, does it?
  13. Everything I've wrote is correct, just don't like incorrect comments attached to our new website section when your trying to promote a valid business.
    I hope all are satisfied now...
  14. not really...
  15. Why is that chizel??.... Lol...
  16. You sound like that bloody @Exige :D
  17. He no comprende
  18. :Bucktooth::oops::Mooning:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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