Hi all, just joined the forum having taken delivery of my first Ducati 4 week ago, (previously with a Honda NC700X). Multistrada 1200s, touring and urban packs fitted. I'll look forward to contributing to and learning from the forum! Andy
welcome youngster - hope you've got better weather down there than the North of England, where it's been legging it down all day...
Hope that it is warmer there than here on this side of the Pyrenees. Might head down there soon to find some sunshine.
HI!,Lived in Marbella for many years (like Essex coast resort with nice weather!) and then I went to Barcelona! The best city in the world in my opinion!!!
Bit of a step-up from the NC700X! I'll be in Barcelona in 2.5 weeks for the Superprestigio, and probably several-many beers in the Paddock Motard bar on Av. del Paraŀlel. Give me a shout if you're going ...