Tyre Warmers

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Tiago C., Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Hello, would like to know some feedback if possible on some tyre warmers.

    I'm looking at the moment these two brands: Thermal Technology - performance model and Thermorace - one.
    The thermal technology are litle bit cheaper but very interested in thermorace also.

    Anyone using them?

    Thanks for any help.
  2. HWW or capit if you want quality
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. The HWW didn´t know about them! Thanks for letting me know, but Capit and HWW cost more 100€ or more, than the options i'm looking for...
    Thats why, i would like to know more about thermorace and thermal thecnology...
    My price range is about 250€.
  4. The Capit internet shop currently has a good set of tyre warmers on special offer for 180€. Andy
  5. Can you post the link please?
  6. well after thinking a litle bit, i might go for capit tyre warmers...:handok:

    Just have one question, i have 180/55 rear tyre.
    In their site they mention size L for this tyre.
    Will the XL size work? im asking this because what if i want to use 190 rear tyre in near future, the L wont work...
  7. Recieved yesterday the capit tyre warmers from Motoshop! Have to say, very very good service!
    Just to give some first impressions, the capit has amazing quality and i look forward to next year use them, as im sure they'll do their job very well!

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