1200 DVT Rusty Brake Discs !!!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by NJW1967, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Hi Guys
    Just been out to do a few checks on my bike and run it up and im totaly shocked what i found.
    RUSTY FRONT DISCS !!!!!!!!!
    My bike was brand new in September and has done 600 miles I don't ride in Winter so it has never seen rain or water!
    The bike is stored in my Man Cave that is dry, heated and insulated as it got electronic equipment in it i have sent a picture to my dealer asking for his opinion i am awaiting an answer
    Any one else got this?
    Regards Neil

  2. Mine is the same, Dvt just covered 145 miles
    Not seen any road salt / rain, just a washing sponge
    I'm not going to worry about it though.
  3. Well its bothering me Steve 16.5k for a bike thats rusting in three months not happy ive got a 32 year old RD500LC and the discs are mint !!!

    Regards Neil
  4. Need to slightly rub ACF50 on this area- obviously avoiding the discs ! Helps keep them rust free & looking tiptop, I do it every time I clean it
  5. Yes, you do have a valid point there Neil
  6. What do you think the discs are made out of?

    Did you wash the bike before putting it away?

    After answering those two questions you may have more of a idea of why they have a little rust
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Aren't brakes, both disc and pad, a consumable item these days ?
  8. You should see the brakes on my car if it stands still for an hour after washing or even during a rainstorm (fully drilled Brembo setup). Price to pay for better friction, a non issue really?

    Brakes on my '76 GT750 never rust, but then they don't work too well either!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. Not sure what you mean by "pure stainless steel", Steve. Do you not think stainless steel contains some iron?
  10. OMG? 600miles in 3 months, whats the point of having one? I've done more than that in a weekend. If you just bought it to look at why not go all out and spray the whole bike in Corrosionx or something and don't bother riding it. What a waste of an awesome bike.
  11. A bit harsh but I have to agree with the sentiment. The "corrosion" pictured is normal and not detrimental to peformance unless you left it until you had some proper scabby rust. Move on, ride the bike, enjoy it and look after it. Andy
  12. There are a lot of people on this forum who post some real opinionated crap !
    Just looking for a reaction...his money/ his bike!
    If he wants to do 600 miles in 3 years, it's his perogative.
  13. We don't all get the opportunity to ride as often as some.

    Agreed! Some don't have the opportunity to ride as others do, mileage is irrelevant, it's the enjoyment of ownership that counts for some.
  14. Think the point was that is why there is rust on them, tbh you pretty well get rust on all discs now days on modern vehicles cars and bikes if you do not use them often, especially if last trip was in even in slightest damp.
    I am certainly not bothered but then I try to use my bikes alternatively in the winter.
  15. I Said the bike is 3 months old i did the 600 in two weeks when time allowed !!!!!
    I don't ride in winter as i have a choice of my car and don't get what i want from my bike in the pissing rain or cold they cant be used to full potential.
    i had many years bad weather riding and don't do it no more !!!!!
    Thats my chioce and if you choose to freeze your bollocks of then fine carry on i cant enjoy riding in crap weather.
    I only asked if others had experienced the same issue thanks to the guys who have made things a bit clearer.
    Regards Neil
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. My bike was delivered by the dealer in this
    Had not even done one mile and had rusty discs, when i mentioned it they did FA and was worse than the above pictures.
  17. @D4VE Does not mean the bike has not been out in the damp, wet before you got it, imo it is all pretty irrelevant, it will not effect the ability of riding the bike, and I don't doubt the iron content in the Discs now days are a higher percetage, for cost reasons, better braking reasons, with Disc pad material the Actual Discs do wear quicker, the Discs are not expected to last the age of the bike so would be replaced before a film of rust is going to effect the bike.
    I cannot imagine for one minute a dealer would replace, and only clean, as all they will replace it with is an item that will no doubt do the same.
  18. So why does the machined surface not rust where the pads don't contact the disc this corrosion is on a painted surface ?
    Regards Neil
  19. ;)
    #20 Hyperextended, Dec 28, 2015
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