1200 Bar Risers

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by handelsbank, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Morning all, Has anybody fitted Bar risers. Touratech seem to list one at 30mm but then say its not suitable for a 2013- 1200. SW-Motech list a 20mm. Just wondered if there was any experience out there. If so what is the torque setting for re-tightening.
  2. Hi I've been looking at what risers to get. - sw motech 42£ Touratech ££ Ducati Gt. risers and long m8 bolts £16 all in can't believe it Ducati the cheapest fitted and working fine on my pp
  3. I bought the SW Motech 30mm risers and tbh they are great. For me they make me sit up a little straighter, putting less pressure on the small of my back/coccyx and feel like they bring the bars a tad closer reach wise.

    I guess I'll find out on the run to WDW in July.

  4. Same for me ;)
  5. I think the torque is 45Nm with thread lock which
    should be the handlebar clamp torque but please check a workshop manual
  6. ;)
    #6 Hyperextended, Dec 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
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  7. +1 for Rox Risers. I'm using the rubber-mounted ones to get an additional benefit of a bit of vibe reduction. Clutch cable is fine, front brake line should probably be extended by an inch or two -- I'm still using the stock line, but it's very tight. I have asked Ducati multiple times for the length of the stock line so that I can order a longer one, but haven't been able to get an answer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. For those of you that went for the 30mm SW-Motech ones, did you need to change any brake lines/cables or other cables? Do you feel that at full lock, the whole thing is stretching too much? I have them sitting in the drawer 'cause my mechanic said it might put some serious strain on the cables.
  9. I have a 2012 model and went for the 30mm risers (I am 6' 5"). I had exactly the problem you describe. I got custom made throttle cables from Venhill and got half way through dismantling the bike but couldn't get past the air filter. Ended up taking it to Snells half done (fortunately my wife has a van) and they did acknowledge it is a bitch of a job. So cost me a lot more than I anticipated but very happy with the final result.
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