So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Just off to Exeter for the weekend, Daughters graduation and back home Sunday for a family meal. Son back from Uni for the weekend to look after the dogs.
    Beer tonight hopefully ! :)
  2. Break a ... err, good luck and have fun.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I've been doing dry January but I have a leaving do tonight and, because I don't want to be rude, I'm having the night off from abstemiousness. Yay! :D
  4. Another hard day, cold beers and another great sunset in Barbados.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. I know it has to be tough but no sympathy here I'm afraid.
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  6. Not jealous
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  7. Your teasing, that's the view from Severn Beach. You can't fool us...
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Yeah but how did you deal with it?
  9. Happy Birthday for yesterday.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. My (first serious) Girlfriend, her dad worked for an American company and had contacts via that I guess, they used to meet at the INDY500, cooperate thing...

    I once stayed with the major of Trinidad 1997, we stayed in his villa in Trinidad and a villa in Tobago. I doubt I will ever have another holiday like it. We had a steel band and some chefs came and cooked food for us one night.
    Went to a private beach.

    Anyway, While on this Guys boat, we moored up to a big super Yacht thing, bit weird, the rather old owner had a leopard print thong and the girls, well they looked like they belonged in a certain type of film.

    One girl ask me what type of car I drive, I said, what type of car do you drive? she replied, a Ferrari. I replied something Italian... A Fiat Ono. She said, what's that....about that point my girl friend slapped me in the face.

    I went on to have a fight with the bottle opener that was attached to the bar in the boat, the top came off a bottle of Carib and the opening of the bottle ended up in my eye, which gave me a black eye. I was clearly not levering against the bottle top but the bit of glass lip behind it and it slipped, while I was leaning over it (a bit too drunk)

    I decided to jump off the boat thinking I would be missed, it was getting late. Something in the water touched my foot and I poo'd myself (blame the Jaws films for this). I swam like mad and could not get back on the boat as it was quite high in the water. I climbed up the chain for the anchor and cut my self on the barnacles attached to it. No one had noticed this.

    Later I got on a fast boat, lit a cigarette and someone said you might want to sit down. I said no I'm fine. They used both of the levers on the throttle (the boats front end lifted) and I nearly rolled backwards and out the back of the boat...

    Some incredible holiday but I wish I'd have been a bit more grown up at the time and had a camera. The girl friend who did live with me for a while turned into a little bitch in the end but I probably deserved it. Memories.
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  11. Went to chiropractor yesterday, spent an hour of "I'm looking for it to hurt 7/10".

    Good news, it's just my scapula(?) So tight it's constantly contracted so no blood flow so the constant dull ache that only goes away while exercising.

    Been told to exercise lots to stretch it, lots of hot baths and hot water bottles, keep up Pilates, 4 or 5 sessions with her and sort out my desk and should be good as gold by end of Feb .

    Just finished at gym with proper workout, squat thrust/press-up/burpy/pull-ups kill me,
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Got an hour on GSXR. Considering it and 996 are both turn-of-century sports bikes they could not be more different. Pulling clutch in and hearing silence is very weird.

    Feels 100% better after service and refresh. New front pads, fork oil and brake fluid really helps. Got a bit dirty but that's what it's for really.

    43 more sleeps till my track day...........
  13. :smile:
    #27853 Hyperextended, Jan 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. 9 holes of golf this morning. Winter league, so a relaxed walk. Havnt played in a while for various reasons, but glad to be back playing. I'm crap, but its just a game.
  15. Re-fitted my 899 shock after MCT worked their magic. Only ridden it for a few miles and while it does feel better I really need to get out on a warm dry road and properly try it out.
  16. Cheers Wally,
    Just unloaded car and all in one piece ready for the morning
  17. [​IMG]
  18. Had to have my cat put down last night, so laid him to rest this afternoon. A bit gutted today as he'd been with us for 16 years, at least he got to use his new hat a few weeks ago though !

  19. Filed my Self Assessment tax return only to find I owe the taxman £3500 and it has to be paid by the end of the month.....bummer. :( Decided to drown my sorrows in cider :upyeah:
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