Here is a new solution with lasersintered Parts from the German Forum. I think this could be interesting for you. The solution for the Sachs Fork is ready, a solution for the Öhlins Fork is in the Pipeline. Greets, Reiner
Interesting. Is there an ETA already for the Ohlins version? I'd really like to buy a set Thanks for the tip
It helps to keep crap (dirt, bugs, etc) off of your fork tube so that you don't end up with something boogering up and blowing your fork seals (which results in a fork oil leak)
The version for the Sachs Fork ( skyhook ) is ready, the version for the Öhlins fork is under construction. A member from Switzerland have ordered them at a 3D Printing Company. When everything works well, i publish the Link to the Company and the parts here. excuse my terrible English, Reiner
Lots of bikes used to fit gaiters to forks to keep the crap out of the bearings and seals. It would be pretty easy to fit something similar to modern USD forks, and a lot more effective than the half-baked protectors offered here.
I've always found that the upper alloy part is the part that needs protecting. It gets covered in flys and worse marked by stones. I protect that bit with a piece of clear plastic The dust seal on my forks tends to do its job and keep the bottom clean
can you please take more CLOSE UP pictures, really zoom in so that we cannot see the part. (only joking, can I see some pics a bit further back?) Thanks
Alright guys. Someone offering a solution to a problem you may or may not have. Ultimately if you tour or commute these will be a good investment.
Here is the Link to the lasersintered Parts. These Parts are only for the Sachs Fork ( Skyhook ) for Multistradas without the D-Air System !!! Gabelschutz Multistrada 1200 - Sachs Gabel (RFFGRQJBA) by Varadero
Here ist the next Link. These Parts are only for the Sachs Fork ( Skyhook ) for Multistradas with the D-Air System !!! Gabelschutz Multistrada 1200- Sachsgabel D-Air (UWM2TY44Q) by Varadero
Here is the Link to the Parts for the Öhlins Fork: Gabelschutz Multistrada Oehlinsgabel 2010-2012 (JYMHNHNNC) by Varadero You need 4 new Screws M6 x 30 mm and 4 washer with minimum Diameter 15 mm. At least you need 4 screw nuts M6 an 2 cable ties . Which you a lot of fun with the parts ! Greets, Reiner