Now I have your attention her is my actual problem. As the years advance I am finding it more and more difficult to swing my leg over the back of my Multistrada. Have tried the standing on the footrests routine while on the side stand but does not feel right and I do not want to put too much weight on the side stand. So has anyone lowered a 1200 Multistrada? or cut the rack off the back subframe? I have seen a carbon cover for the subframe to cover it after cutting but does anybody have a damaged/scratched/ rear subframe that they want to sell? so I can cut it up but keep my original. Thanks
Why is age a problem ? Do you have any specific issues which make it difficult to throw your leg over ? Would some basic stretching exercises help ? Have you consulted a physiotherapist ? Tai Chi ?
Now 67 and having treatment for rheumatoid arthritis plus generally getting older and loss of flexibility.
OK, I can see the problem now, rheumatoid arthritis doesn't sound like much fun. Hope you find a solution.
Try this suggestion. Stand beside the bike on its side stand, ready to mount. Bend over until your body is horizontal, as far as you can, with your head close to the left handlebar. Now lift your right foot behind you, with your right leg bent. You should be able to raise your right leg higher than if you were standing upright, and get it over the pillion seat. So does this work? Or maybe you do that already.
I only have this issue when parking in a cramped bike bay in London. Not enough room to get the leg over. Get a stronger side stand bolt (someone on here was making them but has gone quiet) and just use the footrest. I'm still running the original side stand bolt and have no qualms in standing on the footrest.
It makes me cringe every time I see a bike lifted off the ground and pivoted on the side stand to move it in a confined space but I haven't seen a stand fail. Andy
Hi,I know the feeling! I'm younger than you at 58 but was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy about 5 months ago.Im 6ft 4" and have been a big lump since I was about 17 (after giving up most sport when I smashed my leg in about 6 places) - in my late 20's I hit a massive 23st 8lb and fought weight all my life and giving up when I got it down to about 17/18 stone in my 30's.About 2 years ago I found out I was diabetic and combined with the MD all my muscle and bulk just went.My weight went down to under 10 st last year (scary!) but I've stabilised it at about 11st 7lb - trouble is all my strength and bulk has gone,never to return I'm told - feel weak as a kitten some days but still own and ride several bikes.Dont give in to it and keep on motorcycling!!!
What if I painted them red and stuck a "course" sticker on and made it so unless you use it exactly right a bit snaps off and it melts if you get it wet?
Richard, Maybe the best option is to trade it on a Monster? After all its not like your modified Multi will have anymore luggage space if you cut the rack off. Take a Monster for a ride before you mod your Multi.
I would have thought it's not just as simple as modifying the subframe, you would have to attach it to another point on the frame surely ? Have you tried a Diavel, I was pleasantly surprised when I had a test ride on one.