Which Desmosedici?

Discussion in 'D16 Desmosedici RR' started by Dave, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Variety may be the spice of life but I think the Desmosedici will take every riding opportunity I have now. After 300 miles I am smitten. I can't even see the SPS getting a look-in so I think I am probably going to mothball her for a few years so I can get the most out of the 16's warranty and free servicing period.
  2. I know its a long way off, but where do you go from here?
  3. i remember someone riding one around the open roads at the nw200 once , sounded and looked fantastic. iv told the wife if we win the lottery to buy me one.you only live once so enjoy.
  4. Damn good question. I tend to keep my bikes rather than trade them in for a newer model - and I don't much like the latest sportsbikes anyway. I'd like to think that I'll just hang-on to the Desmosedici but it seems that most people are selling them after three years once the warranty and free servicing has expired - so we shall see. Right now I think if I do sell in three years time then I will just go back to my SPS.
  5. I had a thread on this very subject, but can't recall if it was on here or on Ducatisti?
  6. Ducatisti I think - God there's loads of pure gold stuff locked away on that site.
  7. There was a link on here not so long back about being able to access the old Ducatisti site

    Found the link to access the old site :smile:

    Ducatisti Forum - Welcome to Ducatisti.co.uk

    Pure gold unlocked

    Unfortunately not all the pages are archived :rolleyes: to be honest i think there is less available now than there was only a couple of months ago :frown:
    #147 Jester, Oct 7, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Can I tell you one thing the fuelling on the Desmo with GP7 system and the PC5 is still all over the place after that set-up, in places waaaaaaay rich.
    Also 200 bhp they quote is on the crank and all dyno's vary, if you stick it on a modern dyno you might be suprised!!
  9. I'm sure you are right about the power. It will be plenty for me for the time being!

    Incidentally I have JHP's own latest map on the bike, not a PC5.
  10. eBay can be your friend re tyres. I've just put a rear on (bt01) which cost £180 off eBay, and there's one on at the moment for £220. JHP are always way over top price wise for tyres
  11. Mine is being Dyno mapped with readings from each cylinder individually as each cylinder varies quite a bit.
    So the fuelling will be absolutely perfect for every cylinder right through the rev range, and also the stalling issue when the bike is hot will be sorted too as the ignition timing needs to be altered slightly at idle revs which is also done through mapping the ECU.
    So if anyone is looking for a PC5 for the Desmosedici, I got one.
  12. Just saw a new 'like' on this thread which reminded me about it ... and coincidentally I am here drinking the same beer in the same hotel in Flanders this weekend, this time with the Mrs and the kids.
  13. So what will you be buying from your Flanders hotel this weekend, Dave?:smile:
  14. Not a lot. Maybe just a few Christmas pressies. Today we had a very pleasant wander round Leuven (home of Stella Artois and the longest bar in the world) and tomorrow we are going to Antwerp for the day.
  15. Hi Dave, staying at the KLOOSTER hotel in Leuven? :) enjoy Antwerp... it's where i'm from... :)
  16. Antwerp was excellent :)

    We are staying at an excellent little B&B in Haasrode (De Rode Haas) which I always use when I am working nearby.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. if you're ever there on a first Friday of the month, its the Clubs do about 20min drive from there... would be nice to welcome you there.. :)
  18. I've just picked up on this thread.....so.....how is it? I take it you've ridden it?
  19. I've ridden it as much as I can. As well as the usual Saturday/Sunday blasts I've done long weekend trips to Scotland and Shropshire and I've had it on track at Portimao, Mugello and Magny Cours.

    It is very uncompromising - uncomfortable to ride slowly and difficult to ride fast - but looks and sounds awesome - just like any Ducati in fact - but more so :)
  20. Heh. Pretty well what a guy told me at the TT this who was riding one....they are a beautiful thing to look at.....its funny how for most of us the story is the same....you get bike of your dreams and have to pay the wife off....smashed up my mates pristine r6 back in July. Lost my KTM 660 to fund the damage....got rid of the r6 and got a hyper 1100evo on finance. Wife gets new bathroom and holiday to Florida next year. And yes I did most of nthe backbreaking renovation myself.....filled one mid sized skip...although when we go next year I'll be bringing back a Simpson as I damaged mine bouncing off the car....

    Might see you in riders...I'm about a mile away from there...nice to go in and look every now and again....as for servicing have you thought about louigi motos in Clutton? They've serviced my rsv4 and they'll be getting the hyper early next year. Plus they have a dyno there as well...
    #160 comfysofa, Dec 23, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
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