I'm getting a free gift from a work incentive scheme thingy. Only issue is that i dont particularly need anything that i can pick from but i do need a new Ipad Air2 for my mrs desperately. So what's the general opinion on what i can sell for most and easiest? My plan is to put whatever cash i get towards paying for a Ipad air2 at £400 (or£320 online) My choice is Ipad mini 2 16gb, GOpro hero LCD + , bose series 111 sounddock . All brand new and unopened.
The iPad air 2 is a little long in the tooth "MacRumours" suggest an iPad air 3 is imminent in March. So what ever you do decide to sell just hang fire a couple of weeks before parting with the cash. Maccaa
Ooh! Tough one, because they are all completely different. Check the second hand prices to see which one holds up best.
Only issue is that eBay is just full of scams which puts me off iPad mini. GoPro might be a good bet as they seem to fetch £175 new on there.
When this happened to me (a long time ago and far away!) I contacted the people at my company who dealt with the 'gift' purchase and asked if I could choose something else rather than what they had in their catalogue? They said as long as they could get hold of what I wanted that was fine! I told them about the Hifi kit I wanted and they got it for me! Saved a lot of pratting around and it may be worth a try for you. BOL
It's funny you should say that as that's exactly the route I've gone down. I've been given a extra amount of time to gain more 'points' to hopefully have a iPad Air. Let's see if it's happens